Here's What to Expect if Donald Tusk Forms Government in Poland

"Europe is dominated by an increasingly radical Left, that employs every possible means against conservative parties and governments."

2023. 10. 30. 17:29
TUSK, Donald; VON DER LEYEN, Ursula
Brüsszel, 2023. október 25. Donald Tuskot, az Európai Tanács és az Európai Néppárt korábbi elnökét (b) fogadja Ursula von der Leyen, az Európai Bizottság elnöke Brüsszelben 2023. október 25-én, tíz nappal a lengyel parlamenti választások után. Az ellenzéki Polgári Platform pártot (PO) vezetõ Tusk a lengyel baloldali koalíció kormányfõjelöltje. MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet Fotó: Olivier Hoslet
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The range of treaty amendments proposed by the European Parliament's Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) that call for an increasing transfer of states' powers to European institutions, is staggering. This is how Poland's ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party MEP Rysard Legutko reacted to Brussels' ambitions to usurp the sovereign rights of the member states.

AFCO discussed the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections with national parliamentarians this week. In this age of danger, it would be crucial to make the workings of the European Union more effective in dealing with the difficulties caused by war, terrorism and migration, but the proposed treaty changes will result in the exact opposite.

In an interview Legutko explained 

the committee officially launched the process of fundamentally amending the EU treaties. The purpose of this is to further reduce the sovereignty and subjectivity of member states. This is a giant step, practically a leap in the direction of displacing the sovereignty of member states and constructing a large, bureaucratic, centralized European state. This is extremely worrying,

he added.

Legislation pushed through by EU politicians includes 267 key treaty changes. As a result of the new rules, officials would be given the power to take decisions that were previously the sole authority of member states. All important areas (culture, security, foreign policy, health, etc.) will be decided in Brussels and voted on in the European Council under the double majority system,

which actually means that the most powerful countries will be able to decide.

According to the right-wing MEP, the European Union is systematically introducing their desired changes, consistently breaking the resistance of countries opposed to the solutions imposed by Brussels.

This is also why the participation of the European institutions in the Polish national elections was high, because they realized that the right-wing, conservative government would oppose this, so they tried to influence these elections to the maximum extent. But the means of exerting pressure, i.e. financial blackmail, had already been deployed before - with gross breaches of contracts - against disobedient member states such as Poland and Hungary. These tools were used multiple times.

Legutko also pointed out that Brussels uses pressure tactics only against certain countries, such as Poland or Hungary, while remaining passive regarding countries where the rule of law is actually being violated, such as Spain. This may be because most of the EU structures are currently aligned with left-wing forces, he pointed out. As he put it:

the governing majority of the European Union is left-wing and becoming increasingly leftist, even far-left. Even the largest political group – the Manfred Weber led European People's Party, Donald Tusk and the Civic Platform party and the PSL – a political group that was once characterized as Christian Democrats has long since ceased to be Christian democratic. They have bought into the entire European leftist agenda (green energy, same-sex marriage, abortion, EU superstate, etc.). Europe is dominated by the increasingly radical Left, which is using all possible means to marginalize, destroy, and strip conservative parties or conservative governments of all influence,

the European parliamentary member noted.

Kinga Gal, a Hungarian Fidesz MEP, has also sharply criticised the EU leadership over the Brussels ambitions. She said that the European Union's raison d'etre is to find common solutions to our common challenges. Instead, the European Parliament is producing a succession of reports that are driving European integration towards the removal of member state sovereignty and further into centralization. "The proposal to amend the Treaties, voted through in the Constitutional Affairs Committee, envisages a centralized European Empire that would disregard member states and destroy their sovereignty. Instead of humiliating member states and violating the principle of loyal cooperation, Europe should regain its strength, competitiveness and its rightful place in the world," said MEP Kinga Gal.

Cover photo: Donald Tusk, former president of the European Council and of the European People's Party is welcomed by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, in Brussels on October 25, 2023 (Photo: MTI/EPA/Olivier Hoslet)

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