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18:002024. június 26.
18:002024. június 26.

PM Orban: Some Years Are Best When They End + Video

Hungary's prime minister shared his new "six-shooter" video, summarizing the key events of December.

2024. 01. 03. 11:13
ORBÁN Viktor
Kormányinfó - Orbán Viktor nemzetközi sajtótájékoztatója
(Fotó: Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher)
Kormányinfó - Orbán Viktor nemzetközi sajtótájékoztatója (Fotó: Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher) Fotó: Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda/Benko Vivien Cher
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Some years are best when they come to an end. This is how we feel about 2023", Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a new video uploaded to his social media, summarizing the most crucial events of December.

In his engaging "six-shooter" video compilation, the prime minister explained:

Unfortunately, the war is not over. The threat of terrorism is increasing in Europe and the pressure of migration is growing.

Touching on the success of Hungarian football, PM Orban acknowledged the national team's remarkable feat of qualifying for the third consecutive European Championship, to which he reacted by saying: 

2024 will be a good year!

He recalled the recent visit of the Turkish President to Budapest, emphasizing Turkey's status as "a strategic ally of the utmost importance for Hungary." Mr Orban praised Turkey as a robust nation with its own car brand, showcasing a model of it during the visit. In a reciprocal gesture, Hungary's prime minister presented his guest with an exceptionally valuable horse.

One horse's power for 435. I'd like many more deals like this in 2024,

– Viktor Orban said.

In the video, Mr Orban also touched upon his international press briefing, considering it a great opportunity to express his views on key issues. He also discussed Argentina's recently elected  president.

I've never seen anything like this (...) a president campaigning with a chainsaw,

– he recalled, adding that this was not unjustified, given that the country's inflation rate was over 100 percent.

Concluding his video summary of December's key events, PM Orban expressed optimism that

2024 will be a year full of hope, provided that we succeed in cleaning up Brussels and President Trump wins and brings us peace to the Ukraine war.



Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban (Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher)

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