The National Conservatism Conference (NatCon) – which was nearly thwarted by legal and physical means – has entered history. The Left made a grave mistake and showed its true colors quite close to the elections.
Left in EP Refuses to Put Banned Conference on Agenda
Censoring is fine with the political left.
The right wing has tried to put the issue on the agenda of the last Strasbourg plenary session in the current cycle. The importance of the issue is underlined by the high international media attention and the reactions from the highest political levels, including prime ministerial responses from Viktor Orban, Giorgia Meloni or Alexander De Croo. Despite all this, the Left in Brussels voted against allowing the issue to be debated in the European Parliament.
The initiative came from Italian conservative MEP Nicola Procaccini, but 191 MEPs, mostly left-wing, opposed the proposal to amend the agenda.
Andras Laszlo, the candidate placed tenth on the EP list of the Fidesz and the Christian Democrats, also reacted to the incident on X, writing that the political left refuses to talk about the freedom of speech and last week's scandal, because "they are fine with censoring conservative thought".
Vote them out on June 9!
Andras Laszlo wrote.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Cover photo: An MEP votes by a show of hands during a plenary session in Strasbourg (Photo: MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand)
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Tovább az összes cikkhezLeft-Wing Outlets Call Out Peter Magyar's Lies
The MEP and Tisza Party president's claim of attending well over 50% of European Parliament sessions is false, Lakmusz fact-checkers say only 38%.
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This year’s CPAC Hungary also serves the purpose of merging the anti-globalist, sovereigntist wave that has emerged on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.
Serbia President: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Are Behind the Protests in Serbia
Aleksandar Vucic has made serious claims about the wave of protests plaguing Serbia.
Frank Furedi: Brussels Remains Suspiciously Silent About Poland
Brussels is applying double standards when it comes to the rule of law, the think tank chief tells Magyar Nemzet.