"We have won every European election for twenty years.
We are the most successful political community in Hungary and Europe.
We cannot set a lesser goal, so I propose that we win this one, too", PM Viktor Orban began his speech at Fidesz's national campaign-launch event at Budapest's Millenial Park, on Friday. In the meantime, we should maintain modesty. Without humility there is no victory, he added.
PM Orban recalled that
for a decade and a half, our opponents have been unable to win the trust of the people because they have gambled away their honor. They have forgotten humility. An election victory is a good tool to serve people, and this is what we, as a governing party, have been doing for 14 years.
Maintaining and earning people's trust is a difficult task and, in order to win, "we must stand up for who we are," Mr Orban added.
"We are the ones who resurrected the Hungarian economy, which was bankrupted by the left headed by (ex-PM) Gyurcsany. Today, one million more people are working in Hungary. We are the ones who provided jobs to the Roma community. Today, there are twice as many Roma working in Hungary as there were under Gyurcsany's era, and they are valued citizens of Hungary. Even in this election battle, we count on their support. We are the ones who have managed to increase the minimum wage by three and a half times compared to the left, and we have tripled the average wage. We have maintained and even increased the average pension, and we are the ones who reintroduced the 13th month bonus pensions rescinded from retirees by the left. We are the ones who halved the number of Hungarians living in deep deprivation, and we are the ones who will eradicate the poverty left behind by the Hungarian left wing,"PM Orban said.
No amount of left-wing lies or political mischief can overwrite reality. In 2010, the Hungarian economy was about half the size of what it is today. In other words, we have almost doubled the size of the Hungarian economy in 14 years,
Mr Orban concluded.
At the same time, PM Orban highlighted that Hungary's achievements are now under threat from Europe and Brussels. "The strong, peaceful, free and happy Europe that we love so much, and for which we've longed all our lives under Communism is crumbling before our eyes. Let's not beat about the bush, Brussels is in trouble. Big trouble. The leadership has failed. Europe's economy is in decline. The green transition is a disaster. Ukrainian grain is ruining European farmers. Migrants are pouring across borders. Crime is up, and violence is on the rise. They want to re-educate children and put them in the hands of gender activists," he pointed out, saying:
The Brussels leadership must go. They don't deserve another chance, change is needed in Brussels!
"We must occupy Brussels, push aside their bureaucrats and take matters into our own hands. If we don't, not only Europe, but we, Hungarians, will pay a heavy price for the incompetence and helplessness of the leaders in Brussels," he added.
Commenting on the authorities' efforts to ban the conservative NatCon conference in Brussels this week, Mr Orban underlined:
Everyone can see that today, Europe is balancing on the borderline between repression and freedom, and I think this election will decide which way it moves.
Apparently, it's our job to save freedom in Brussels, as well as in Budapest, he added.

However, we are facing some even bigger problems, PM Orban emphasized.
In Brussels, we have a pro-war majority today. Europe is in a pro-war mood, and politics is dominated by the logic of war. I see war preparations everywhere, on everyone's part. NATO's Secretary General wants to establish a NATO mission in Ukraine, and the European leaders have already drifted into the war. I talk to them, I hear them; they see this as their own war, and they are fighting it as their own,
Mr Orban said.
Mr Orban also recalled that when the war erupted, countries only sent military equipment to Ukraine, but this was followed by sanctions, and then by sending weapons and money.
Despite the money and the weapons, however, the situation is not improving. In fact, it is getting worse, and w are one step away from the West sending troops to Ukraine. It is a war vortex that could drag Europe into the abyss. Brussels is playing with fire. What is does is an act of provoking God,
he underlined.
We do not want war, and we do not want Hungary to become the toy of great powers again. Therefore, we muststand firm for peace. At home, in Brussels, in Washington, in the UN and in NATO, I propose that we make a clear commitment. So long as there is a national government leading the country, Hungary will not enter the Russia-Ukraine war on either side.
PM Orban also noted that "the pro-war governments, the Brussels bureaucrats and George Soros's network are sending millions of dollars to our pro-war left in Budapest, who make no secret of the fact that they want a change of government, to suit their clients. They want a pro-war government instead of a pro-peace government, a puppet government subordinated to Brussels and Washington, instead of a national government," he said.
"We must fight, we must defend the peace and security of the Hungarian people, we have to defend our economic achievements, we have to defend our families and especially our children, so that even Brussels understands: no migration, no gender, no war! This is our election manifesto. Go Hungary, go Hungarians!"
FM Peter Szijjarto: We must decide on the question of war or peace
From the distance of two years and a few weeks, we have to conclude that a significant portion of Europe's political leaders are suffering from a war psychosis, FM Peter Szijjarto said at Fidesz's campaign-launch event on Friday.
Hungary's minister of foreign affairs and trade underlined:
They all feel that they themselves are at war. But the fact is that this is not true. Europe is not at war. Europe is not under attack.
Europe's political leaders have made a mistake, and they chose the wrong strategy, Mr Szijjarto added.
And this wrong strategy is causing concrete, serious damage to Europe, to European countries and to the people of Europe, he emphasized.
"Let's just think of the impact of the sanctions, let's consider the war-time energy prices. Let's mull the effects of allowing in Ukrainian grain imports. And the question is: two years on and with so much evidence, why won't they admit their mistakes?" - FM Szijjarto has said.
"The reason they don't admit that they chose the wrong strategy is because this admission would raise a key question, namely: what is the consequence? What is the consequence of bad decisions in terms of those responsible, in terms of those who make these bad choices. And we are fully aware that political decision-makers must take responsibility, at least political responsibility, for their bad decisions," Mr Szijjartoo stated.

Transatlantic leaders will not admit their mistakes, resorting to the well-known saying that the best defense is attack, Hungary's foreign minister added.
This is why they are rushing ahead, risking to put European people into even greater dangers than before, just to avoid raising the question about taking responsibility for bad decisions.
The minister for foreign affairs and trade underlined, saying that
today, a significant number of transatlantic leaders are fomenting a world war atmosphere.
The foreign minister recalled that when the war broke out, NATO member states drew the red line at NATO not engaging in the Russia-Ukraine war.
Two weeks ago, however, they started to erase this jointly drawn red line. And some decided to start preparing to increase NATO's coordinating role in arms supplies and training of Ukrainian soldiers. This decision certainly brings NATO closer to war than ever before.
As he put it,
"The stakes in the period ahead are enormous. At the beginning of June, we will have to decide again on the question of war or peace, in fact on the question of world war or peace."
"And in order to strengthen the peace camp in Europe, to strengthen the pro-peace voice and to bring back hope for peace, we need a sovereignist and right-wing turn in Europe, and we, as Europe's strongest political family, must contribute to this. The more of us there are in the European Parliament, the more effectively we can contribute to this", said FM Szijjarto.
MEP Tamas Deutsch: Whatever happens, we will always advocate for Hungary's interests
"Even in Brussels, Hungary always comes first for us. No matter what happens, we will always represent Hungary's interests," incumbent MEP Tamas Deutsch said at the launch of the Fidesz-KDNP campaign, adding, "no matter how much the bureaucrats in Brussels have become fanatical war agitators, and that Brussels is abusing its power to make Europe vulnerable to illegal migration."
The MEP topping the EP Fidesz-KDNP candidate list said,
"The bureaucrats in Brussels want to force us to allow gender-sensitizing commandos to roam freely in Hungarian kindergartens and schools," and drew attention to the fact that the leader of the Hungarian dollar-Left, Ferenc Gyurcsany, himself admitted with shameless pride that they had devised the conditions for political blackmail, which were then cloaked in legal robes by their comrades in Brussels. "
"What happened in Brussels a few days ago was something that only Bolshevik dictatorships, the communists, had done," the MEP said in his speech, referring to the attempt to shut down the NatCon conference in Brussels a few days ago.

"They wanted to ban a conservative event, a peaceful, reputable conference, by force, flouting the law. To ban, to shut down, to blockade, to lock down behind the cordons of armed police. It is a wonder that they did not shoot or take away the conference participants in handcuffs."
"This is blatantly obvious, even the blind can see that Brussels has become the new Moscow,"
he said, adding that it was obvious that they wanted to ban the conference, because inside participants were talking about peace, as opposed to the Brussels position. "They want to talk exclusively about war, because they want war, or even a world war. That is the biggest difference today between the sane Europeans and the Brussels bullies: pro-war or pro-peace."
He also noted that in stead of cracking down on people smugglers armed with automatic weapons, they send their officers to cancel a conference. He asked:
Where are these police officers when we need to protect our borders and our European way of life? Where are they when we need to show strength in protecting European citizens, when we need to abolish no-go zones? They are brave enough to threaten to cut the electrical cables in a conference room in Brussels, but they fall apart if they have to fight armed bandits. What kind of people are they? How can we trust them with the future of Europeans?
Tamas Deutsch also pointed out that there is a mood of war in Brussels. Even if this war is a fratricidal war between two Slavic peoples. He recalled that when the war broke out in Ukraine, Brussels leaders started by saying that they were only sending helmets, and soon they were sending weapons, then tanks, then warplanes, and now that "they stand to lose their war" they are talking about sooner or later sending troops. He also pointed out that NATO is already preparing the next steps.
In the meantime, NATO is already organizing a Ukraine mission, not sending troops as yet, but the alliance has started to coordinate training, arms supplies, to secure its own financial resources by collecting from member states, and is sliding into war. We are as much alone in pushing the peace process as we were with the anti-migration movement, and we will be just as right in our pro-peace stance,
the politician said.
"I encourage all Hungarian voters in the European Parliament elections to vote only for those candidates who are loyal to what is dearest to the hearts of Hungarians: the national colors, the national flag and the coat of arms representing our country be they in Brussels, Budapest, Strasbourg, Debrecen, Karcag, Tiszalok or Rackeve.
He described the candidates on the Fidesz-KDNP EP list as dedicated, prepared patriots, "A winning team, and most importantly, each and every one of them is a freedom fighter. You can count on us," concluded incumbent MEP Tamas Deutsh, heading the Fidesz-KDNP EP list.
Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP/KENZO TRIBOUILLARD)