As soon as the foreign armored fighting vehicles arrived in Moscow, all Russian Telegram channels covering the Russia-Ukraine war immediately reported the news. On May 1, an exhibition by the Russian Ministry of Defense will open on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow where these combat vehicles will be on display. These vehicles, including Leopard tanks, Ukrainian T-72s and BTR-80s, will be part of the Russian Army Trophies exhibition.
Visitors will be able to view more than 30 different military equipment samples from 12 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Turkey, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, South Africa, Finland, Australia, Austria and Ukraine.
In addition to the Leopards, Marder and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) will also be on display.
The exhibit of captured equipment will be open to the public in the square in front of the Victory Museum. Write ups will include information about Western production, the characteristics of the equipment, and the place and circumstances of its capture.
The exhibition opens May 1 and lasts for a month.
Cover photo: A Leopard 2 tank approaches banks of the Elbe to cross during a maneuver (photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/DPA/dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP)