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21:002024. július 01.

Hungary FM: European Leaders Use Crazy Ideas to Distract from Their Own Failures

"Some Western European leaders are trying to deflect attention from the failure of their policies and their own responsibility with increasingly ludicrous ideas, and they do not even care that they are putting the entire continent at risk," Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto said in Budapest on Wednesday.

2024. 05. 30. 14:20
Photo: Gabor Halasz
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At a campaign event, the minister said that with the European Parliament elections rapidly approaching, a final countdown atmosphere pervades Brussels, which was also evidenced by the vehemence of the heated debate at Monday's Foreign Affairs Council meeting.

He believes that even those who have been making the pro-war European policies of the last two and a half years and have perhaps come to see that they made a giant mistake, have realized that June 9 could be a real watershed moment.

I think everyone can see, feel and experience that the European or Brussels response to the war in Ukraine has been a complete failure. This has become manifest in damage at the level of the daily lives of the people of Europe,

he said, stating that the European measures were based economically on sanctions and politically on the expansion of the war. This has caused great damage to the continent's economy, in his view, with Hungary alone having to pay four thousand billion forints (nearly 10.3 billion euros) more for energy imports. "That's why we couldn't have investment projects, we couldn't develop, we couldn't spend on improving people's lives."

Peter Szijjarto stressed that if European leaders now suddenly admitted that "sorry, this is the wrong way, let's switch to the other way", it would immediately raise the question of accountability. "They want to avoid that, and they are seeing that on June 9 there is a chance of a pro-peace turnaround in Europe and that all those will be chased away who over the last two and a half years have brought measures that have risked the escalation of the war and have put the European economy in a perpetual state of decline," he underlined.

They want to avoid this at all costs. They are terribly nervous and are coming up with crazy ideas to counter. If someone is nervous, they have crazy ideas,

the minister said. 

In this context, he recalled statements about sending Western troops to Ukraine, the use of nuclear weapons and the introduction of conscription.

He pointed out that sending troops could easily lead to a third world war, and in response to statements about the use of nuclear weapons, Russia began military exercises with a view to deploying tactical nuclear weapons.

In connection with the Europe-wide conscription, he pointed out that the goal is to make up for Ukraine's already unbearable loss of life.

We are not that naive. We know exactly how it goes and what will be said next: those who are near, go first.  And then we will be there to see Hungarian boys and Hungarian girls, Hungarian young people, going to fight in a war that we have absolutely nothing to do with,

he said. The minister noted that although a significant number of European politicians claim that Ukraine is also fighting for us, this is not true, as Ukraine is indeed fighting heroically against superior forces, but only for itself.

"No EU member state has been attacked, no NATO member state has been attacked. So why should anyone fight for us," he said. 

So what is the situation? These Western European leaders are in a kind of war psychosis, they have messed up the response, they have caused damage to Europe, they want to avoid being held accountable, and the best defense is attack, so they are pushing forward and coming up with increasingly crazy ideas just to distract attention from their own responsibility,

he summed up. "And they don't even care that they are putting the whole continent and practically half the world at risk, for example with nuclear war fantasies," he added. 

"In Europe, this situation will only change if there is political change. Political change in Europe can be achieved at the earliest in the European Parliament elections by bringing about a right-wing shift. As a result, the number of pro-peace MEPs can increase to such an extent that they can prevail over pro-war colleagues," he emphasized.

Cover photo: Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Source: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto)

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