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Ilaria Salis: From Jobless to Millionaire + Video

The Italian far-left activist who carried out a manhunt in Budapest could go from unemployed to millionaire. Ilaria Salis is nearly 40 years old but has never had a steady job.

2024. 05. 22. 13:38
Italian far-left activist Ilaria Salis (Photo: Attila Kisbenedek/AFP)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Nicola Fratoianni, a delegate of the Greens and Left Alliance, paid a visit to the Italian far-left activist who orchestrated a manhunt in Budapest. Ms. Fratoianni assured Antifa activist Ilaria Salis that she has nothing to worry about; her campaign is running smoothly, as reported by Hungarian Hír TV.

I tried to convey to her what I sense in my everyday life, the great love, solidarity and all the mobilization underway, designed to get her elected. I think she was happy about this,

 – the Italian MEP said.

Ilaria Salis was arrested in Budapest on February 11 last year. Her lawyers expect her to leave prison next week and she will be remanded to house arrest in Budapest on bail of 40,000 euros until the first-instance verdict. Paolo Ciani, an MP of the Democratic Party described all this as the result of a "correct process," with questions raised at the right time. 

It's the fruit of the generosity of some who have found her an apartment where she can serve her house arrest. So, a well-prepared application and everyone's cooperation helped,

 – the politician explained.

Ilaria Salis has been reported to police on 29 occasions in her own country and has been convicted four times. According to Italian press reports, the woman, who is in her 40s, has never had a permanent job, doing only occasional work as a primary school substitute teacher. However, from June she will receive a net basic salary of €8,000 a month, or around HUF 3.2 million, amounting to nearly 500,000 euros over five years. On top of this, she will receive a substantial allowance.

According to right-wing parties in Italy, Ms. Salis's example is not positive in any way, and if convicted, the former teacher should not be allowed back into any classroom.

As Magyar Nemzet highlighted at the time, last February a far-left group attacked several people and caused serious injuries to innocent bystanders in Hungary. One victim had his head beaten so badly that it required twenty-five stitches. Following the assaults, several members of the fleeing far-left group were arrested by police.


Cover photo: Ilaria Salis (Photo: AFP/Attila Kisbenedek)


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