PM Orban Arrives at Next Stop on the Campaign Trail

Restoring peace is of utmost importance, and as the West is financing the war, they are also tasked with taking steps toward ending it, the Hungarian prime minister says.

Forrás: MTI2024. 05. 01. 11:04
Prime Minister and Fidesz Party Chief Viktor Orban campaigning in Kaposvar, Hungary (Source: Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"The world is teetering on a razor's edge. Instead of war, we must make peace!" "the prime minister wrote in a social media post, where he reported on another stop on his campaign tour.

Viktor Orban continued his campaign tour in Kaposvar on Tuesday, having talks with Mayor Karoly Szita and meeting with voters in the southwestern Hungarian town and county seat, Bertalan Havasi, the PM's press chief, told MTI.

"We Hungarians have learned at the expense of two world wars that war is a bad thing, a destructive flood that sweeps everything away," the premier said, adding that above all else it brings death and suffering, but it also obliterates family savings, homes and property.

It wipes out the country’s economy and sends prices sky-high. Therefore, when we call for peace, we seek to protect not only human lives, but also our economy,

the PM stated.

According to the Fidesz party chief, the top priority is to restore peace, and as the war is being financed by the West, they must make efforts to bring it to an end. We must send pro-peace, right-wing delegates to the European institutions instead of left-wing, pro-war ones, Mr Orban pointed out.


Cover photo: Prime Minister and Fidesz Party Chief Viktor Orban campaigning in Kaposvar, Hungary (Source: Facebook)

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