Hungarian MEP First Vice-President of Third Largest EP Group

Today marks a historic occasion in the European Parliament, Kinga Gal, an MEP of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz, said.

2024. 07. 09. 11:57
Kinga Gal, MEP of Fidesz and first vice-president of the Patriots for Europe EP group, and Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP list, at a press conference after the inaugural meeting of the Patriots for Europe group in the European Parliament in Brussels on July 8, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Patriots for Europe party family, made up of fourteen parties and eighty-four MEPs from twelve member states, has been established, becoming the third largest political group in the European Parliament. Following the inaugural meeting, Hungarian MEPs Kinga Gal and Tamas Deutsch held a joint press conference in Brussels to announce the group's plans, which include halting illegal migration, strengthening Europe's economy and competitiveness, and bringing a stop to the Green Deal and other European red tape.

Today marks a historic occasion in the European Parliament, Kinga Gal, an MEP of Hungary’s ruling Fidesz, said 

In the European Parliament elections, voters across Europe clearly expressed the need for change in Europe. In contrast, since the elections, the political elite has been making questionable, unacceptable pacts and doing everything it can to maintain its power and influence. This must finally come to an end,

she said, emphasizing that

we patriots want change in Europe, want a Europe that is clearly on the side of peace and freedom.

MEP Tamas Deutsch stressed that the party family wants to act for a "free, independent Europe that finally stands on its own feet".

Barely a week and a half after the drafting and issuing of a patriotic manifesto, a moment of historical significance has come not simply in the European Parliament, not only in the European Union, but in European politics, as 84 MEPs from 14 parties and 12 countries have rallied to form the Patriots for Europe,  the third strongest EP group.

He congratulated Kinga Gal on assuming an important position in the group, stressing that besides serving the common cause, this is a very serious opportunity for asserting Hungary's national interest.

Ever since Hungary became a member of the European Union, ever since Hungarian MEPs have been representing national interests based on the trust of the Hungarian voters, no Hungarian MEP has held such a significant mandate.

Cover photo: Kinga Gal, MEP of Fidesz and first vice-president of the Patriots for Europe EP group, and Tamas Deutsch, leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrats EP list, at a press conference after the inaugural meeting of the Patriots for Europe group in the European Parliament in Brussels on July 8, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

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