Hungary FM: Shame to See, Shame to Hear

Ukraine is losing hundreds or thousands of people every day, and the level of destruction in the country is constantly increasing, Hungary's foreign minister stated.

2024. 07. 20. 12:57
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto at a joint press conference with Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darcsiasvili in Budapest, on July 19, 2024 (Photo: Noemi Bruzak)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In Ukraine, thousands of people are dying every day and every week, with scenes reminiscent of those along the GDR's border back in the day: Ukrainians trying to flee while Ukrainian border guards hold them back. This is the subject of a recent video Hungary's foreign minister posted on his social media.

You can all see the videos showing how conscription in Ukraine is taking place.  It's very interesting to see how the West is not at all outraged by this, and that the NGOs are not banging on any table. It is interesting that those who usually preach about human rights are now silent. It is a shame. It is a shame that human rights organizations are not speaking out,

 – FM Szijjarto emphasized, adding that Ukraine is losing hundreds, or even thousands of people daily, and the destruction in the country is constantly increasing.

"And here we are, willing and brave enough to talk about the need to create peace, and then the president of Ukraine addresses the Hungarian prime minister with such insulting words," he said.

This is very difficult for me to accept and process, and to restrain from using harsh terms myself,

– Mr Szijjarto stated. 

As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, President Volodymyr Zelensky launched an attack on PM Viktor Orban's peace mission.

There are many, including Ukraine's President, who are trying to drag NATO into this war. Now, dragging a NATO member state into this means world war, and we'd better prevent this. We hope that the President will become a partner in saving the lives of Ukrainian people. Every day that peace talks start earlier, more Ukrainian people will be saved, 

 – Mr Szijjarto underlined.

Cover photo: Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto at a joint press conference with Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darcsiasvili in Budapest, on July 19, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Noemi Bruzak)

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