PM Orban on Peace Mission Meets With Chinese President

It is important to Hungarians that China promotes peace in the world, said the prime minister of the country currently holding the rotating presidency of the European Council.

Forrás: Facebook2024. 07. 08. 11:12
Prime Minister Viktor Orban shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing (Photo: Viktor Orban's X account/AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In addition to the warring parties, it is up to three world powers - the United States, the European Union and China - to decide when the Russia-Ukraine war will end. This is what the Hungarian prime minister, who is travelling to China as part of his peace mission, wrote on his Facebook page.

That's why we came to Beijing after my meetings with the two warring parties,

he added.

It is important to Hungarians that China promotes peace in the world,

Viktor Orban stated on Monday in Beijing, where he met Chinese President Xi Jinping. The PM recalled that the Hungarians have been living in the shadow of a war for two and a half years.

"Hungarians are a peace-loving people. They strive for peace, balance and harmony, which is why we are always on the side of peace and never on the side of war," he said.
"China advocating that there should be peace in the world, not war, is of great significance to us."

We also appreciate your peace initiative in the conflict happening next door to Hungary,

the PM told Xi Jinping.

HSZI Csin-ping; ORBÁN Viktor
Photo: Prime Minister's Press Office/Vivien Cher Benko

He recalled that the Chinese president had visited Hungary two months ago, a meeting the PM described as historic. He added that significant agreements were concluded, but more importantly, the friendship between the two peoples was established for generations to come, because Xi Jinping's visit was convincing and cordial, demonstrating to Hungarian people China's goodwill and respect for Hungary.

Multiple generations will benefit from and remember your visit to Budapest,

Viktor Orban noted.

The PM thanked the Chinese president for having upgraded the level of relations between the two countries.

Over the two months that have transpired since that meeting, we have continued to work on filling this format with content,

he said, also thanked both delegations for the progress made in cooperation. Mr Orban congratulated Xi Jinping on China's firmness and stability, acknowledging what it means for the whole world "in this turbulent world politics".

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing (Photo: Viktor Orban's X account/AFP)


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