Scenes from Paris's Olympic Opening Ceremony Demand Comment, State Secretary Says

How the ceremonial opening of a world event could include an outright and brazen insult to a major religion is beyond comprehension.

Forrás: MTI2024. 08. 02. 13:41
Hungary's Interior Ministry Parliamentary State Secretary and Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) VP Bence Retvari (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

What happened at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics cannot be left without comment, and protest must be voiced in every available way, according to Bence Retvari.

The vice president of Hungary's Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) took to Facebook, writing:

It is incomprehensible how the ceremonial opening of a world event could include an outright and brazen insult to a major religion.

The greatness of sport, the ruling alliance junior party VP explained, lies precisely in its ability to unite people regardless of differences in taste and beliefs.

The Olympics is a peaceful competition, a celebration of endurance and sportsmanship, and this is what the opening ceremony has utterly spoiled. The scene twisting the last supper into a distortion goes against everything that the Olympic ideal and human decency stand for. It is not unifying, but divisive, it is not uplifting but outrageous," the Christian Democrat politician posted.

Bence Retvari pointed out that violating the beliefs of two billion people is unacceptable, and so is deliberately mocking the beliefs of others. Moreover, in a country whose culture has Christian roots, this is particularly enraging.

The KDNP vice-president posed the question, was there not a single sensible person who would have said that this is going too far, let's leave it out. Or were there many such people who thought so, but no one dared say so, because they were afraid of being immediately stigmatized by LGBT activists and would promptly lose their livelihoods?

If the latter is the case, this is also a shame, the politician stated, noting that "perhaps the burned down Notre Dame should not be rebuilt in a country where Christianity is an object of mockery, but in a country where it is an object of pride". 

He added that "many people have said that they dare to do such things to Christians because Christians are peaceful, but not to Muslims because the city would be in flames the next day. But the fact that we are not aggressive does not mean that this can be done to us, and we do not have to tolerate it," he said, stating that this is intolerable. He stressed the need to give voice to the protest in every way, and then urged like minded individuals to sign the petition at the following link: Defend our faith! International protest against blasphemy at the Paris Olympics.


Cover photo: Hungary's Interior Ministry Parliamentary State Secretary and Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) VP Bence Retvari (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Balogh)

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