Viktor Orban Leader of Europe's Sovereignist Movement, Romanian Politician Says

After former Prime Minister Victor Ponta, another Romanian politician praised Viktor Orban's political activities. In a video podcast interview, Aurelian Pavelescu, president of the Christian Democratic National Peasant Party (PNTCD), which was the main force in the ruling coalition between 1996 and 2000 but is now extra-parliamentary, called the Hungarian prime minister the leader of the Europe's sovereignist movement.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Viktor Orban has been put up against the wall by the European Union. For the last ten to fifteen years, he has been targeted with constant smear campaigns so that he would lose the elections. But he didn't, because the Hungarian people voted for him," the politician said, pointing out that the Hungarian prime minister has come up with a simple and clear position.

He said that 'we Hungarians are a nation with historical rights, and we do not accept Soros's ideas,' just as I do not accept them. Sovereigntists do not accept theses such as a minimalist state, open society, LGBT or political correctness. These are fundamental issues, and Viktor Orban has taken them on, and he has run the risk of taking them on. He presented this program to the Hungarians on several occasions and won the trust of Hungarian voters,

Pavelescu emphasized.

In answer to a question on Transylvania, PNTCD's president stated that Viktor Orban does not want to tear away Transylvania. "This is propaganda from Bucharest that serves the interests of Brussels. The goal is clear: to discredit Viktor Orban saying that he is a dictator, who wants to annex territories not only from Romania, but also from Ukraine and Slovakia. From everywhere. Viktor Orban is a dictator who is building an empire. Viktor Orban does not want to annex Transylvania, nor can he do so," said Aurelian Pavelescu.

Cover photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)


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