Miklos Szantho: We Are Facing a Political Type of Flood

A few days ago, we were fighting the Danube flood with barriers and sandbags. But there is another type of flooding. A political flood that can be fought with books that expose neo-Marxists, said Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, at the launch of the Hungarian language edition of Alejandro Pena Esclusa's book The Electoral Frauds of the Sao Paulo Forum.

Forrás: Center for Fundamental Rights2024. 09. 26. 17:49
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The director general stressed that the book is proof that "the methods that we have witnessed here in Europe over the past decade are the same in South America, especially when it comes to preserving the integrity of elections, national sovereignty, and sovereignty in domestic politics." In his speech, Miklos Szantho highlighted that although Hungarian conservatives may seem talk a lot about connectivity, they do not do so in vain.

Connectivity for the conservatives is important because the tide of  the international globalist Left is spreading all over the world. Thus, we - not only the right wing or the conservatives, but also the representatives of common sense - must give an internationally coordinated response,

he added.

Janez Janša, Szlovénia volt miniszterelnöke (Forrás: Alapjogokért Központ)
Former Slovene Prime Minister Janez Jansa (Source Center for Fundamental Rights)

Following the opening address, Janez Jansa, Slovenia's former prime minister and the leader of the strongest opposition party, took the floor, pointing out that the book is not only about events in South America, as electoral fraud manipulated by the Left can also be witnessed here in the heart of Europe: 

After the announcement of the results of the last elections in Slovenia, we saw that the representatives elected by the people did not take their seats, and we have not received a precise explanation for this to date.

During the panel discussion held at the event, the author of the book described the sophisticated methods used by the political Left in the region, and warned that these mechanisms could easily be transferred to other countries. 

This is no longer solely South America's problem

Pena pointed out.

Zsolt Nemeth, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs, said that the author's first book, The Sao Paulo Forum's Cultural Warfare, published in 2023, is the software, and the current one is the hardware, "and we need to be present on both fronts." He added that 

The world's patriots must learn from the Left and unite as they do.

The closing remark at the book launch was delivered by Andres Pastrana Arango, Colombia's former president and the only one who survived a kidnapping by Pablo Escobar. He warned that  

we must work to ensure that drug trafficking does not become the biggest enemy of  democracy in our countries.

The book was published by the Center for Fundamental Rights and the Christian Democratic Institute.

Cover photo: Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Source:  Center for Fundamental Rights)

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