Peter Magyar Insisted on "VIP Treatment" for His Relatives

Over the past few years, Peter Magyar has demanded care for himself, his family members and a friend at the Special Purpose Center of the Hungarian Army Hospital. This is the part of the institution that Magyar has been referring to in recent days as the "VIP section" in his campaign to discredit the National Health Service. This is all the more interesting because the current president of the Tisza party, back as the husband of the then minister of justice, even had his Covid tests done in this special hospital unit.

2024. 09. 06. 12:14
Peter Magyar, Hungary's Tisza party president (Photo: MTI/Robert Hegedus)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to Magyar Nemzet's information, Peter Magyar had been securing the provision of medical care for himself, his family members and a close friend at the so-called Special Purpose Center of the Hungarian Army Hospital since 2014. The hospital unit has become a topic of public discussion in recent days, precisely because of Magyar's media appearances. The Tisza party chief called the center a VIP ward and in demagogue fashion stated that while members of the government are treated in an exceptional place, the country's taxpayers only get bad conditions.

But it turned out, that while the spouse of Judit Varga, Magyar sought out the services of the center on multiple occasions.

In a recent Facebook comment, the chairman of the Tisza Party claimed that because of his ex-wife's ministerial position, he himself had been to the ward several times, where he recalled receiving two Covid vaccinations and one prescription. In another post he also noted that he had undergone tests a few times in the hospital.

More precisely, those few times numbered eight. According to our information, the opposition politician, who is currently fiercely criticizing and disparaging the health care system, visited the Special Purpose Center (SRC) eight times during the pandemic alone, where he had Covid tests carried out on himself.

Source: Facebook

In addition to these visits, Magyar had used the services of the SRC nine times, one of which was an extended hospital stay of about 10 days in 2021.

The party president not only arranged for medical treatment for himself, but also for his family members in what he termed the exclusive unit. And his relatives took advantage of the opportunity. His mother, Monika Eross, had 14 in-patient and one out-patient treatments, while Peter Magyar's grandparents had 46 in-patient and 9 out-patient visits. Incidentally, the grandparents were only able to access this service with special permission from the commanding officer, which they obtained through the intervention of Peter Magyar.

Our newspaper has also learned that the politician also intervened on behalf of his close friend Gabor Sz. Robert and tried to arrange for his priority care.

Source: Facebook

Regarding the SRC unit, for clarification, it is worth recalling a recent statement by the state secretary for health. Peter Takacs, reacting to Magyar's recent spree in Hungarian hospitals, said that the special department is upheld for the treatment of patients who are entitled to increased protection for security reasons.

These individuals include, for example, NATO soldiers and police officers injured in the line of duty, as well as high-ranking state leaders who require special protection for national security.

It's no wonder that Peter Magyar insisted on the type of hospital care, which he himself classified as VIP, as the politician has constantly appeared in the VIP section at various sporting events and festivals.

The character of the party leader is well described in an earlier statement of by Judit Varga's former Chief of Staff Vajk Farkas. In his words, "it was always distasteful how he [Peter Magyar - ed.] insisted on sitting in the front row, to be as close as possible to the prime minister, even at events where no one else took their spouse".

Cover photo: Peter Magyar, Hungary's Tisza party president (Photo: MTI/Robert Hegedus)



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