Hungary FM Rebukes Kamala Harris

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto didn't hesitate to respond to the US Democratic presidential candidate's statements.

Forrás: Mandiner.hu2024. 10. 13. 11:27
Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

We have always shown respect for the American people and we expect Americans to show respect for the Hungarian nation. A statement like hers is unacceptable among allies,

Mandiner  quoted Peter Szijjarto's words.

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris crossed the red line on Thursday when she made atrocious remarks about Viktor Orban on a television show, the news portal reports.

It is unacceptable to talk about a prime minister in this way. It is disrespectful not only toward Hungary's prime minister, but also to the Hungarian people,

the country's Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto responded in the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, Mandiner pointed out.

Cover photo: Hungarian Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto (Photo: MTI)


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