PM Orban: The EU Is in Far Worse Shape Today Than in 2011

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held an international press conference in Strasbourg on Tuesday afternoon, just one day before he presents the Hungarian EU presidency's program at the European Parliament's plenary session. The event served as a prelude to Hungary’s official presentation on Wednesday.

2024. 10. 09. 12:55
PM Viktor Orban holds a press conference in Strasbourg (Photo: Sandor Csudai).
PM Viktor Orban holds a press conference in Strasbourg (Photo: Sandor Csudai).
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Since July 1, Hungary has held the rotating presidency of the European Union. "This is the second time we’ve had this responsibility, following our 2011 presidency. It’s also my second time personally overseeing this work, and I’ve already marked the third occasion into my calendar. After all, optimism is important," Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in Strasbourg. Reflecting on Hungary’s first EU presidency, he recalled that it also took place during a period full of challenges, in the aftermath of the financial crisis and having to deal with the consequences of the Arab Spring. He emphasized that

overall, I can tell you that the European Union’s situation today is far worse than it was in 2011. What do we see today? First, there’s a war raging in Ukraine, right here in Europe. There are serious conflicts in the Middle East, which are affecting us as well. 

The migration crisis has reached levels not seen since 2015. The Schengen zone is being jeopardized by Security threat , threatening to paralyze and disintegrate the zone. Just today, the Swedes announced that they’re suspending Schengen’s free movement rules," PM Orban noted.

Mr. Orban also pointed out that Europe's global competitiveness was deteriorating, as highlighted by the so-called Draghi Report, which warns of a slow decline threatening the continent. 

Just a few days ago, President Macron said Europe could die because it’s being pushed out of its markets. Compared to Mario Draghi and Emmanuel Macron, I’m a moderate prime minister. But I also see that Europe’s declining competitiveness is the most serious challenge we face. So, this is the context in which the Hungarian presidency will continue to operate. My task in the European Parliament is to present what Hungary proposes in this situation,

– PM Orban said. Hungary, he emphasized, believes that the only way to overcome these challenges is through change. "The European Union must evolve, and through the work of the Hungarian presidency, we aim to be the catalysts for this change," he said, acknowledging that Hungary’s smaller size, compared to countries like Germany or France, might limit its influence. "We can raise issues and make suggestions, but it will ultimately be up to Europe’s institutions to make the decisions," he stated.

Right at the onset, the press briefing was briefly disrupted by a man who ran in and shouted: "How much did you sell out the country for, prime minister?" He was later identified as Marton Gyekiczki, a member of the opposition Democratic Coalition's (DK) youth organization, and a local councilor from the town of Erd.

There's a need to improve competitiveness

PM Orban also outlined the goals of Hungary’s EU presidency, with a key focus on improving Europe’s competitiveness. "For two decades, Europe’s economic growth has consistently lagged behind that of the United States and China. Our share of global trade is shrinking. European companies pay two to three times more for electricity than their American counterparts, and four to five times more for natural gas," he stated. "Additionally, European companies spend half as much on research and development as American companies."

And add to these Europe’s demographic challenges: while I understand that some European governments are trying to address population decline with migration, the numbers won't add up. Even migration cannot replace the missing, and the unborn children. This means that if we want to be competitive, we must face the reality that, for the first time, Europe’s overall economic growth won’t be supported by a constantly growing workforce,

– Mr. Orban said, then underlined that improving economic productivity is now twice as important as it used to be, because the increae of Europe's productivity must surpass the growth rate of the U.S. "This is why we are pushing for a new European Competitiveness Pact to be adopted during an informal meeting of EU leaders in Budapest on November 8," he said.


There's a concrete plan on the table 

According to Mr. Orban, Europe is at the start of an institutional cycle, and a new Competitiveness Pact could commit all European leaders and countries to a long-term, five-year plan aimed at boosting competitiveness. This plan would include elements such as 

reducing administrative burdens and over-regulation, ensuring affordable energy prices and green industrial policies - which doen't just mean green transition, but also that we must align it with Europe's industrial policy. We also need to strengthen the internal market, and remove barriers restricting the movement of goods and services. According to the Draghi Report, with these rules, we risk losing 10 percent of European GDP. We recommend the implementation of a capital markets union, as today the savings of European citizens end up in the United States, and the European capital market is unable to keep the money of European citizens within Europe,

– Mr. Orban explained. The Hungarian proposal also includes connectivity. As an example, he mentioned the ongoing debate about Europe's decision against Chinese electric cars, which he described as absurd. "We have 27 member states, of which 10 supported the introduction of punitive tariffs, while 17 did not. And if we look at those 10 states, they only represent 45 percent of the total population of the European Union, meaning that even the majority of people don’t support the measure. I call the situation absurd because a protective tariff could make sense. I’m not a doctrinaire. A reasonable protective tariff, where we consider the consequences, can actually make sense, even if it's temporary. But how absurd is it that this protective tariff, which is supposed to protect certain industries, is now being opposed by the European car manufacturers that - in principle - it is supposed to protect? And yet, the Commission still wants to implement it. What is this? This isn’t a protective tariff, this is something else. A protective tariff is meant to protect our domestic industries. And those who are supposed to be protected are vehemently opposed to it. This is about something else, more like coercion, not protection," PM Orban continued.


Brussels' asylum system not working 

Regarding the issue of migration, Mr. Orban reiterated Hungary’s stance that the EU’s external borders must be protected. "The frontline countries' defense protects all of Europe, so their efforts should be recognized and their defense work should be backed. "I won’t be revealing any secrets when I say that - for quite some time - I’ve been standing, almost chest-deep, in the midst of political storms surrounding migration debates," the prime minister said.

We built a fence right at the beginning, and stopped migration. And I’ve been saying the same thing ever since 2015: we can try all sorts of packages, migration pacts and various dimensions - whatever you want. There’s only one way to stop and control migration,

–  Mr. Orban pointed out. This key word is "external hotspots." So long as we are unable to agree that anyone wishing to enter EU territory must stop at the border, submit their application and wait for approval before entering, we will never stop migration. This is the only viable option, and Hungary has been penalized for doing just that. "Once someone has entered the EU, where they have certain rights, even if their stay is unauthorized, they’ll never leave. I don't know any government that will forcibly round up these people, load them on vehicles and deport them from the EU's territory. This will never happen, it's an illusion," Mr. Orban said. 

The only migrant who doesn’t stay here is the one we don’t let in. Illegal migration will only stop if everyone we wish to take in is allowed in by us, with our permission. That’s why, since 2015, I’ve constantly been called either an idiot for holding this position or an evil. They haven't given me too much of a choice. But just watch that everyone will eventually come around to this point. In the end, there will be full agreement in the EU concerning the establishment of external hotspots. It’s obvious that the EU's current asylum system isn’t working,

– he explained. He said he believes that illegal migration in Europe has resulted in a rise in anti-Semitism, increased violence against women, and growing homophobia. This is the consequence of migration. "Since we don't have a unified, successful migration policy, the member states are each trying to protect themselves individually. Austria, Germany, now Sweden; all my respect to the new French interior minister who is making an effort, but these individual attempts will ultimately break down the Schengen system. We need one big, collective decision. The Hungarian presidency has a proposal here: to introduce a system of Schengen summits, modeled after the Euro Summit. Just like the countries in the eurozone, the leaders of Schengen zone countries should meet regularly, and just as they the euro is managed, the Schengen borders should also be managed jointly, at the highest political level," Viktor Orban explained.


Rapid expansion needed

After competitiveness and migration, The third key focus of the Hungarian presidency is Europe's security and defense policy. "We are proposing steps to create a European defense industry with a view to strengthening the technological base. This will also be discussed on November 7 in Budapest," Prime Minister Orban said, adding that the Hungarian presidency's fourth key point was enlargement policy.

Without the integration of the Balkans, Europe will never be complete. Twenty years ago, we promised the Western Balkan countries that we would accept them. It’s time to fulfill that promise. The Hungarian presidency has convened a summit between the European Union and the Western Balkans. The Western Balkans consists of several countries, and the enlargement must be merit-based. However, allow me to make a geopolitical point: without Serbia, no enlargement will be successful,

– Mr. Orban stated. He emphasized that the Western Balkan countries cannot be integrated without Serbia. "Anyone who believes otherwise is chasing illusions," he added.

Photo: Sandor Csudai

Focus on agriculture

The Hungarian presidency is also working on many proposals in the field of agriculture. "The reason for this is that although we are still at the beginning of the seven-year budgetary cycle, the process of planning the budget for the years beyond 2027 and its direction has already begun. The agriculture policy  guidelines for the next seven-year budget are being drawn up and Hungary intends to participate in this debate during its presidency to create a competitive, crisis-resistant, farmer-friendly European agriculture. By achieving all this, we'll turn the Hungarian presidency's slogan into a reality: Make Europe Great Again," PM Orban said.


Waiting for Donald Trump's victory

In response to a question, Mr. Orban underlined that if Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential race, they will celebrate with champagne. "I’m pleased that the informal EU summit is scheduled for two days after the election. I think it will be the best occasion to discuss what we, as a community, think, how we see the results, and how we evaluate the situation. There is no question that there is a significant difference in foreign policy, philosophy, and values between the current Democratic president and the Republican candidate," he said, adding that a potential Republican victory could change many things.

If Mr. Trump is elected and he keeps his promise, I trust that he will not wait until his inauguration ceremony to achieve peace in the Ukraine-Russia war. He will act immediately,

– Mr. Orban said.

Incidents commonplace in Hungary

Another question addressed the incident which took place at the beginning of the press briefing. In this context, Mr. Orban emphasized that "anyone who decides to become the prime minister of Hungary and is elected must expect that their life will be full of such public incidents."

At home, this is how things are each and every day. I could say this is almost an expectation, to make us feel at home,

– PM Orban said. 


The Russia-Ukraine war is not good for the EU

A journalist asked PM Orban about the Russia-Ukraine war, specifically whether Hungary is slowing down any EU proposals designed for Ukraine. "Hungary is a NATO member, which is why we feel safe," Mr. Orban said, in response to the reporter's question of how he would react if the Russians entered Hungary's territory.

I would like to remind you that Hungary is providing the largest humanitarian aid in its history to Ukrainian citizens. Many people are arriving from Ukraine, and we immediately accept them without any preconditions. Millions are crossing the borders, and they are receiving everything they need. Today, as many as 10,000 Ukrainian citizens live in Hungary. We’ve opened Ukrainian-language schools for them, even though in Ukraine, Hungarian-language schools are being closed. So, we are doing everything a Christian country can to help a neighboring country. Let’s be clear on that,

– Mr. Orban emphasized. "The debate is about what's the expected approach from the European Union in the context of this war. And we have different opinions, probably different from the majority within the EU," he continued. "Hungary’s intention is to achieve some type of ceasefire within the shortest possible timeframe. We are certain that this war cannot be won on the battlefield."

So, if victory is not possible on the battlefield, then we must communicate, negotiate, sign a ceasefire, and save lives. We would like to help achieve a ceasefire as swiftly as possible. Personally, I am convinced that there is no solution to this war on the battlefield. And I believe that the strategy we, as the European Union, are following is not the right one,

– PM Orban underlined. "The third issue is that, at present, communication within the European Union is considered a sin, which is a foolish approach because you cannot successfully handle a war situation without communication. If you don’t want direct communication, that’s your choice. However, in international politics, you can find third-party intermediaries, but that's never happened," he recalled.

I’m not talking about how to resolve this conflict; I’m not in a position to do so. But I can say that what we are doing right now is irrational. So, we must communicate directly or indirectly and try to involve as many countries as possible that can help achieve a ceasefire. At present, we are a strong minority within the European Union, but that’s no reason to abandon our clear position. We are not stopping or blocking anything. We want to convince EU leaders to change their strategy because, as we see, this one is not working,

– PM Orban emphasized.

The European elite

Responding to another journalist's question, PM Orban highlighted that the elite - composed of the left wing, the liberals, and the center-right - who call themselves the mainstream elite, are trying their best to manage European affairs, adding that people are increasingly dissatisfied with their performance.

The European people, in my opinion, do not agree with the war; they want peace. They do not agree with migration; they do not want migrants to be allowed in. They do not agree with the economic policies; their agriculture is being ruined. Companies are over-regulated. Purchasing power is declining,

– he listed, adding that new political parties and actors representing this dissatisfaction are emerging, and they are becoming more powerful.

Let's understand what people want, and let's make changes. Instead of excluding the patriots, we should involve them. Maybe they’re right about some things,

– Mr. Orban declared, referring to the fact that the third largest faction, the Patriots for Europe, did not receive committee positions.

This would be unthinkable in the Hungarian parliament. I’ve had many issues with the opposition over the years; I’ve been in opposition myself, and even the government had issues with me. But the idea of not giving the opposition what it is entitled to is unthinkable,

– he said, relaying his belief that the European Union has always been based on a balance, between those who wanted a centralized EU and those who prioritized national sovereignty.


Peter Magyar’s immunity to be decided by the EP 

Our Brussels correspondent asked PM Orban about Manfred Weber, the leader of the European People’s Party, who appeared to shun questions regarding Peter Magyar’s immunity.

If memory serves, this is a British idea to ensure that the executive branch, through its law enforcement agencies, could not arrest or prevent members of parliament from participating in legislative work. I think it’s a good institution. It’s necessary. So, if someone is at risk of being prosecuted just to keep them away from their legislative duties, then immunity should be applied. If that’s not the case, then there’s no place for immunity. But that’s not for me to judge; it will be decided by the relevant members of the European Parliament,

– Mr. Orban said. He added that the Hungarian parliament also has a committee that decides whether a request for immunity is justified. "Now we have a situation where a Hungarian MEP is accused of a criminal offense, and his immunity has been requested. This is for the European Parliament to decide."


Occupying Brussels

A journalist asked Mr. Orban about what he meant by "instead of retreat, we must occupy Brussels."

I want to send a very clear message: we do not want to leave the European Union. We believe in Europe, we believe in the European Union, and we want to preserve it for the future. And that’s precisely why we want to change it, not destroy it. This is also the goal of the Patriots. This is why I wanted to make it clear that we are European patriots,

– Mr. Orban emphasized.

No refugee camp in Vitnyed

"There will be no refugee camp in Vitnyed, or anywhere else, for that matter. But we do have a problem: the EU’s migration pact requires Hungary to create facilities for housing 8,000 migrants," Mr. Orban said, in response to another question.

It’s just us and the Italians who are required to take in so many, even though there are zero migrants in Hungary.

So they want to force us to build migrant camps. But we don’t want to build any such camps," he added.


On relations with Rusisa

Hungary’s approach to the Russian economy is extremely transparent. So in areas not subject to sanctions, we try to facilitate cooperation rather than stop it," Mr. Orban said, in response to another question.

I believe I’ll be causing some uncomfortable moments for everyone now, but I want to say that Western countries, since the outbreak of the war, have bought a total of $8.5 billion worth of energy from Russia.

So don’t criticize Hungary; this is my approach to the issue. We are transparent, we do what we said we would," the prime minister added. "And we believe that in areas not subject to sanctions, we naturally want normal economic relations between Russia and Hungary."


The left's dream

According to Mr. Orban, the left does indulge in dreams that certain people can be isolated, but that’s not possible.

When they wanted to isolate Schuessel in 2001 or 2000, I was already prime minister. I remember that he entered into a coalition with Haider’s FPO, and when the EU decided to punish Schuessel as Chancellor, the whole thing became ridiculous,

If you are a member of a community, you cannot be isolated; you are someone who must be engaged in conversation and negotiation. Being able to do this is a leftist dream. Therefore, isolation is out of the question,” PM Orbán said. 

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban (Photo: Sandor Csudai)

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