Pressman Didn't Hold Back, This Time Peter Szijjarto in Crosshairs

The US ambassador to Budapest now unleashes on Hungary's foreign minister for negotiating guarantees to ensure Hungarian energy security.

2024. 10. 11. 13:51
David Pressman, US Ambassador to Hungary (Photo: MTI)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Today the Foreign Minister of Hungary travelled to Russia for the 11th time since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine - in pursuit of profit, not peace," David Pressman posted on X.

The reason for the attack was simply because Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto was attending the International Gas Forum in St Petersburg. Regarding the event, the FM recently shared a post on social media stating that Hungary's energy supply would be impossible without Russian gas and the TurkStream pipeline.

If we had given in to pressure from friends and allies, if we had caved to the threat of sanctions and not dared to build the TurkStream pipeline, we would be in major trouble today because of the halting of Russian gas transit through Ukraine starting on January 1st. Without TurkStream, it would simply be physically impossible to supply the country with sufficient quantities of natural gas,

Peter Szijjarto writes. 

As Magyar Nemzet previously reported, this was not the first time that the US ambassador tried to interfere in Hungarian domestic and foreign policy. In a recent speech at the Budapest Forum foreign policy conference, David Pressman said that the United States makes alliances with countries, not individuals. Pressman said Hungary had distanced itself from its allies, adding that

We [Hungary's allies and partners] ... have to recognize that what we used to dismiss with an eyeroll requires us to look at it directly, and respond to it unflinchingly.

He then added, almost threateningly that 

excuses will no longer work, and that the US will act.


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