Tisza Party Stabs Vojvodina Hungarians in the Back

On Thursday, the European Parliament's Delegation to Serbia elected its new leaders, with the Tisza Party led by Peter Magyar nominating a Greek MEP to run against the Hungarian MEP from Vojvodina.

2024. 10. 04. 10:57
Hungarian MEP Annamaria Vicsek
Hungarian MEP Annamaria Vicsek (Source:Facebook)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At today's session, the European Parliament's Delegation to Serbia elected its new leadership. The Patriots for Europe Group nominated Annamaria Vicsek as vice-chair. Joining the anti-Hungarian members of the EP, the Tisza Party, led by Peter Magyar, nominated a challenger to run against the Hungarian MEP from Vojvodina, in the person of a Greek MEP, who was elected to the position, reads the statement issued by Annamaria Vicsek.

Commenting on the meeting, Annamaria Vicsek said she finds it disheartening that the Tisza Party has joined the ranks of anti-Hungarian MEPs and has gone so far as to nominate a Greek candidate against a Hungarian candidate for an office that is not theirs to fill, according to parliamentary customary law and the internal rules of the EP.

This is not the first time that Peter Magyar has attacked the Vojvodina Hungarians, but today he directly prevented the election of a Hungarian MEP from Vojvodina to a top position in the delegation maintaining relations with Serbia.

The Hungarian MEP, who was born in Vojvodina said,

Hungary remains Serbia's biggest supporter, and we are convinced that Serbia, as a key country in the region, should join the EU as soon as possible. We will continue to strive for the country to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible.

Cover photo: Hungarian MEP Annamaria Vicsek (Source: Facebook)

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