Most people get their information from online platforms and also stay in tune to the outside world. This is no different in Hungary, almost everyone has a social media platform and it is the most significant source of news. As a result, politics has also moved to social media platforms, where elections are essentially decided.
Trump's Plan Destined to Succeed with Elon Musk's Support
US President-elect Donald Trump just announced that one of his first moves upon taking office will be the protection of free speech. The issue is one of intense relevance as the political influence of social media is significant in both the US and Hungary. Magyar Nemzet interviewed Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the XXI Century Institute, on the topic.

The better you are at utilizing social media platforms, the more likely you are to win the election,
Daniel Deak, senior analyst at the XXI Century Institute, said, adding that whether or not online platforms are censored has enormous impact.
In recent years, we have witnessed the suppression of right-wing voices in Hungary and in the United States.
Right-wing content producers are suppressed or banned, while left-wing voices are amplified.
It's worth remembering that Donald Trump himself was banned from the biggest platforms, which led him to create his own platform.
Then the owners of the online platforms realized that this was also detrimental to them, as they needed right-wing voters, as well, so they allowed the former, now new president back on Facebook and Twitter.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
And now Elon Musk has become one of his biggest supporters, which also opens up better opportunities for the right,
the analyst stressed.
Regarding the president-elect's plans, he said that Donald Trump wants to achieve complete freedom of expression online, so right-wing content cannot be censored and algorithms do not manipulate to favor leftist-liberal content. This could lead to greater freedom across the world, as everyone will be able to express their opinions much more freely and the current disproportionalities will diminish.
Naturally, globalist political forces will cry 'hate speech' to thwart the endeavor, but with Elon Musk's support, Donald Trump's plan can be achieved,
the expert pointed to the close relationship between the X, formerly Twitter, platform owner and the incoming US president.
Cover photo: Illustration featuring Donald Trump's profile on X platform. (Photo: NurPhoto via AFP)
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Ukraine’s accession to the European Union would ruin the Hungarian economy, Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared Friday on Kossuth Radio’s Good Morning, Hungary! program.

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The Ukrainian president's biggest dream is NATO membership.

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The government program has sparked massive outrage in France.

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The ECHR has issued a ruling on the riots linked to the Maidan Square protests.