PM Orban's Chief of Staff: We Are the Elite-Changing Opposition to Brussels

We are the elite-changing opposition to Brussels, said Gergely Gulyas at the event "Hungary 2024-2025" organized by the Centre for Fundamental Rights. In his opening speech, former general Roberto Vannacci, MEP of Lega, stressed the successful cooperation between the members of the Patriots for Europe group.

2024. 12. 08. 11:55
Istvan Kovacs, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, Gergely Gulyas, minister heading the Prime Minister's Office, and Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)
Istvan Kovacs, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, Gergely Gulyas, minister heading the Prime Minister's Office, and Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The future of Europe depends on preserving conservative values, patriotism and the protection of our cultural heritage,

highlighted Roberto Vannacci, MEP of the Patriots for Europe EP group, at the year-ending event organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights.

Roberto Vannacci, MEP of the Patriots for Europe EP group (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)

During the roundtable discussion that followed the speech, Gergely Gulyas, the minister heading the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office, said

well-organized national forces coming to government must be the alternative to the failed left-wing powers.

He stressed that the work of the Patriots group can play a major role in this for the future, as the atmosphere prevailing in Europe requires an elite change, which favors the right wing. He added that this process always targets those in power, so it may also appear in Hungary, which is why it is important to emphasize the Hungarian government's economic achievements, such as a 10 percent increase in real wages and a reduction in the budget deficit.

Istvan Kovacs, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, Gergely Gulyas, minister heading the Prime Minister's Office, and Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)

The politician discussed issues with Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights, and Istvan Kovacs, strategic director.

Could Trump's victory break Brussels' confidence?

asked Szantho, referring to the close ties between the current leadership and political direction of the European Union and the Democratic deep-state in the US. Trump's victory could shatter the confidence of the liberal elite, Gulyas said, but pointed out that "Soros's organizations will thus move their headquarters from Washington to Brussels".

Asked about the state of public discourse, the minister said that negative trends have emerged, but pointed out: 

Speeches and analyses that are the most satisfying intellectually are provided by the government side.

"2025 will be a rough-and-tumble year, but during Advent, our hope can always be renewed," said Miklos Szantho in conclusion, and quoting Donald Trump, he added: "The best days of our lives are still ahead of us."

Cover photo: Istvan Kovacs, strategic director of the Center for Fundamental Rights, Gergely Gulyas, minister heading the Prime Minister's Office, and Miklos Szantho, director general of the Center for Fundamental Rights (Photo: Center for Fundamental Rights)

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