PM Orban's Message from the Vatican + Video

According to the Hungarian prime minister, the Holy Father's prayers and the Vatican's invaluable diplomatic experience will be needed.

2024. 12. 05. 10:23
ORBÁN Viktor; FERENC pápa
Pope Francis receives Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Vatican on December 4, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Vatican Media)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As Magyar Nemzet reported, Prime Minister Viktor Orban met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, where the main focus was on peace, among other issues discussed. After the morning audience with the Pope, the Hungarian prime minister also had talks with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin and Under-Secretary for Relations with States Miroslaw Wachowski .

Since the beginning of the [Russia-Ukraine] war, the two of us have believed in peace, the Vatican and Hungary. Peace is now within arms distance. I came to the Holy Father because we must seize the opportunity now for peace. The Holy Father's prayers and the invaluable diplomatic experience of the Vatican will be needed,

the prime minister said in a video post on his social media page.

As the world prepares for Christmas, many European leaders are arguing for the continuation and intensification of the war. This is dangerous. We are living in dangerous times when the war could spread. Together, we must deter world leaders from making irreversible decisions. We need a ceasefire as soon as possible to seize the opportunity for peace,

 Viktor Orban stressed following his meetings in the Vatican.

Cover photo: Pope Francis receives Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Vatican on December 4, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Vatican Media)

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