Fico Voices Harsh Criticism Against Zelensky

Slovakia's prime minister sharply criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's decision to halt natural gas transit to Slovakia and other European countries. According to Robert Fico, the measure results in an annual revenue loss of half a billion euros for Slovakia and imposes significant financial burdens on the European Union, while the United States benefits from the situation.

2025. 01. 03. 16:01
Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In a video message, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico condemned Zelensky's decision, stating that it causes substantial harm to Slovakia's economy and to the European Union. Fico highlighted that the halting of gas transit through Ukraine means Slovakia loses approximately €500 million annually in transit fees.

Fico further explained that the Ukrainian president's decision will lead to increased costs across the European Union, with member states potentially facing additional expenses of €60–70 billion due to higher gas and electricity prices.

The PM also argued that this move has minimal impact on the Russian economy, while the United States profits from increased gas exports. Fico criticized Slovakia's opposition parties and the media for not taking a firm stance on the issue, saying, 

Mainstream media and NGOs in Slovakia tolerate Zelensky’s decision while attacking the government.

He highlighted the role of the daily SME, which he believes is being influenced by George Soros money.

Fico also announced that the Slovak government is preparing countermeasures. One option under consideration is halting electricity exports to Ukraine and reducing support for Ukrainian citizens. He indicated that governmental and coalition discussions on the matter will take place in the coming days.

The PM emphasized Slovakia’s sovereignty in responding to the situation, suggesting that the country should either push for the resumption of gas transit or develop compensation mechanisms to offset the lost revenue.

Fico assured citizens that the country's energy supply is secure and there will be no household natural gas price increases in 2025. 

He also underlined that the issue extends beyond Slovakia’s borders and the collective responsibility of the European Union.

The consequences of Ukraine’s decision will be discussed in Brussels, where a Slovak government delegation is set to negotiate in the coming days. PM Rober Fico expressed hope that coalition partners would unanimously support the government’s planned responses.

Cover photo: Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico (Photo: AFP)


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