Hungary and Serbia to Build Oil Pipeline

In response to the latest sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia's energy sector, Russia is preparing countermeasures, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov announced. Peskov emphasized that Russia is thoroughly analyzing the situation and will implement measures to minimize the impact of the sanctions and protect Russian interests.

Forrás: Facebook/Peter Szijjarto2025. 01. 16. 15:16
Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The global political situation is further complicated by a barrage of sanctions from the European Union and the halting of Ukrainian gas transit. Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Foreign Affairs and Trade minister, discussed energy security with his Serbian counterpart over the phone. In his posted statement, he said:

The energy crises of recent years—often politically driven—have highlighted the need for close cooperation among countries that are not rich in mineral resources and energy carriers in order to guarantee their energy supply security.
Certain global political actors, through their sanctions and restrictions, can create serious challenges, clearly disregarding even their allies in the process.

This situation underscores the importance of energy cooperation with neighboring countries. For Hungary, Serbia is a strategically important partner. Hungarian energy security is unattainable without Serbia, and vice versa," Szijjarto emphasized.

Drawing lessons from recent weeks, Szijjarto announced that "during my phone conversation with Serbian Energy Minister Dubravka Dedovic, we agreed to accelerate joint energy security projects. These include establishing a new connection between the two countries' electri grid networks and building the first joint oil pipeline.

Cover Photo: Peter Szijjarto, Hungary's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: AFP)

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