Pressman Closes Playbook, Soros Gets Honored

TWO HUNGARIES - The floundering American deep state, desperately attempting to regain footing while losing the last remnants of its dignity, resorts to yet another petty move.

2025. 01. 09. 17:08
Alex Soros accepts the Medal of Freedom on behalf of his father George Soros from United States President Joe Biden during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, DC, January 4, 2025. (Photo: AFP/Chris Kleponis)
Alex Soros accepts the Medal of Freedom on behalf of his father George Soros from United States President Joe Biden during a ceremony at the White House in Washington, DC, January 4, 2025. (Photo: AFP/Chris Kleponis)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The American deep state's floundering – or more accurately, its pettiness – is perfectly illustrated by two recent pieces of news. The first is the announcement by the US Treasury Department of sanctions against Antal Rogan, head of the Hungarian prime minister's cabinet office. This hostile move was announced by David Pressman, a rainbow-flag-waving activist and left-liberal agitator, as he was packing his bags to leave Hungary. According to Pressman, Rogan was sanctioned for corruption—because, apparently, he and the outgoing US Democratic administration think so. In their world, no proof, concrete evidence, or final court rulings are necessary to blacklist, expel, ban or demonize someone. After all, if they didn’t need proof to bomb nations, razing everything to the ground or slaughter millions of innocent civilians, why would they need evidence for something as trivial as sanctions? "Here’s the list, shut up," that’s their attitude.

Opposition activist Pressman’s farewell tantrum has at least clarified one thing for those still in doubt: who pulls the strings behind the worn-out chorus criticizing Hungary, and whose mouthpiece are the 'independent-objective' journalists and influencers. It’s the same person who occasionally consults with 'independent' Hungarian judges in the fortified US embassy on Budapest's Szabadsag (freedom) Square and showers left-liberal Hungarian media outlets with dollars.

It’s the same person who, for two years since his (unwelcome) arrival, has systematically meddled in Hungarian domestic affairs, not giving a damn about the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which obligates diplomats to refrain from interfering in the host country’s internal affairs. Nothing matters.  The drunken chorus leader screeched one last time from the prompter’s box before exiting stage left. Never to be seen again!

The second piece of news came from the money empire: between two stumbles, Joe Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom to awarded George Soros, the stock-market speculator, international manipulator, and architect of mass migration. The award was handed over to his son, Alex, who declared, "My father is an American patriot who has fought for freedom throughout his life." Oh, yes! Elon Musk "congratulated" to elder Soros with a meme depicting him as Emperor Palpatine.

And rightly so: George Soros has sought "freedom" in ways not dissimilar to the Star Wars evil—with scheming, manipulation, and terror. Unsurprisingly, both have left a legacy of reigning terror in their wake.

Books have been written about the damage Hungarian-born Soros caused to the world. There’s no space here to look in detail at the oeuvre of the award recipient, so here's a few highlights. 

This wonderful man crushed the British pound in 1992. He speculated. He’s done the same with other currencies to bag up  more money. This "patriot" inflicted massive financial damage on millions of people through his speculative attacks.  It is perhaps no coincidence that this unselfish, great champion of freedom cannot set foot in a number of countries, being banned from entering due to his financial terrorist activities.

One of his companies, Soros Fund Management, targeted Hungary's OTP Bank in 2008, causing its shares to lose 22 percent of their value. A true patriot, indeed. Yet Hungary’s left has been groveling at his feet for decades, feeding off his teat. According to deceased writer Gyorgy Konrád, Soros is as powerful a man for our country as one of Hungary's greatest statesmen Istvan Szechenyi. Of course, Soros has been showered with awards, such as the honorary citizen award from former Budapest Mayor Gabor Demszky, the Commander's Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit in 1994 and the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary in 2004. Perhaps the only accolade he’s missing is the "Heroic Hungarian Mother" award.

Remember back in 2016?

Jean-Claude Juncker, then-president of the European Commission, greeted Soros in Brussels with a wine-soaked smile. This happened shortly after Soros published his migration thesis on September 26, 2015, on Project Syndicate. This is the plan, which the left claims doesn’t exist, saying it's merely the invention of Orban and his cabinet minister. Yet Soros himself wrote of his own great agenda that it is a comprehensive plan with six components. In the writing, he pointed out that "the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually".

And the EU should provide 15,000 euros per asylum-seeker for each of the first two years to help cover  housing, health care, education costs and pocket money, Soros explained. And if necessary (of course it is), then the EU should take out loans for all this. From whom? Obviously from Soros's usurious, deep-state cronies, who stand next to him and behind him with money cannons loaded with dollars. The speculator recommended that the European Union build a migration agency. He did not write the EU should or how good it would be, but declared it ex cathedra, that the EU "must". 

This is insanity. Soros dictates from across the Atlantic how many Muslim newcomers Europe must accept and how much pocket money they should get. Juncker and the Brussels retinue hugged him like a lucky pig. He obviously brought them luck – after they had implemented every single one of his instructions precisely. According to a 2019 report by Magyar Idok, Soros’s lobbyists met with EU leaders 52 times, and Soros himself gave personal guidance to figures like Juncker, Timmermans, and then Migration Commissioner Avramopoulos on 20 occasions.

If the European Union were a sovereign and rational entity, it would have added Soros and his organizations to a sanctions list in 2015, freezing their assets and banning their migrant-rescuing and gender-sensitizing operations.

Evidence abounds of how Soros’s organizations orchestrated and facilitated Europe’s flooding with migrants and thereby its destruction. A few years ago, a senior Italian prosecutor exposed how human traffickers colluded with NGO ships that migrants used as water taxis. Since most of these NGOs appear on Soros’s payroll, these ships can rightly be called Soros ships. There is an endless list of examples of his scheming against Europe and Hungary. Here are just a few of my favorites: Balazs Danes, head of the European Civil Liberties Union, a Soros organization based in Berlin, admitted on a secretly recorded audio tape that he tried to pit the German government against Hungary.

Andras Siewert, a leader of Migration Aid, revealed on another recording that Soros’s actions do not serve humanitarian purposes but are solely driven by generating profit. Tracie Ahern, a former financial officer at Soros Fund Management (Soros’s US-based financial fund) confessed on a third recording that two thousand (!) people are working in Hungary to enforce Soros’s will.

In 2020, a leaked recording revealed that Zoran Zaev, North Macedonia’s former left-wing prime minister, admitted that all the local organizations funded by Soros were under his control and that these groups helped him seize power in a coup-like manner in 2017. Soros’s meddling was also evident behind the coups in Georgia and Ukraine. The list could go on endlessly.

Soros’s award and activist Pressman’s ultimate effort can both be traced back to the same source: the pettiness of the floundering American deep state losing even the remnants of its dignity in its downfall.

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