Trump Promises New Golden Era in Hungary-US Relations

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto held phone talks with newly appointed US State Secretary Marco Rubio. During the conversation, they reaffirmed their shared commitment to peace efforts and the rebuilding of political relations between the two nations, which had hit a rock bottom under the previous US administration. With Donald Trump’s return to office, a new era could begin in Hungary-US relations.

2025. 01. 27. 10:48
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Photo: AFP)
Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Peter Szijjarto emphasized that  Donald Trump's return to the US presidency has created new opportunities for Hungarian-US relations. This week, he initiated the first official contact with Marco Rubio, who has recently assumed office. The phone conversation made it clear that both countries are committed to rebuilding political cooperation.

Orbán Viktor és Donald Trump
Viktor Orban and Donald Trump
(Photo: AFP)

We reaffirmed our mutual commitment to restoring the relationship between our two nations on new foundations

Peter Szijjarto stated.

Trump’s Peace Efforts and Shared Positions

Hungary has suffered significant security and economic damages due to the war in Ukraine. Donald Trump and his administration’s primary goal is to bring the conflict to an end, the Hungarian foreign minister highlighted.

Marco Rubio emphasized that one of the new US administration’s key goals is to establish peace, which that fully aligns with the Hungarian government’s stance.

Peter Szijjarto confirmed Hungary's support for any initiative that brings the war closer to an end.

Living next door to the war is not only dangerous but also causes significant economic harm. Therefore, it is in our interest for Donald Trump to succeed in his peace efforts,

he said.

Bilateral relations on new foundations

Hungary's foreign minister noted that the previous  US administration led be the Democrats took a number of measures against Hungary out of revenge. According to Marco Rubio, these measures will be reviewed by the new administration.

This phone conversation made it clear that in the coming years, a new golden era could begin in Hungarian-US political relations,

Peter Szijjarto said, adding that he and Rubio expressed their mutual intent to meet in person, a meeting that is expected to take place in the future.

Trump and Hungary share common values

The Hungarian foreign minister welcomed the executive orders issued by the US president last week. These align with the Hungarian government’s policies in areas such as migration, peace efforts, support for families, and respect for sovereignty.


The Trump administration’s priorities coincide with Hungary’s interests on numerous critical issues, which could provide stronger foundations for bilateral cooperation than ever before, Peter Szijjarto pointed out.

In conclusion, the foreign minister noted that the day and the week as a whole had been highly positive, marking another step forward in rebuilding Hungarian-US political relations.

The week couldn’t have ended better,

he concluded.

Cover photo: Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto (Photo: AFP)

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