Hungary FM: This Weekend's Meeting in London a Gathering of Europe's Pro-War Forces

The meeting in London this weekend will be "a gathering of European pro-war forces that Hungary has no business with, as our country belongs to the peace camp", Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated in Budapest on Thursday.

2025. 02. 28. 15:51
Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Szijjarto responded during a press conference to remarks made by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who stated that certain European leaders would gather in London over the weekend for a meeting. FM Szijjarto noted that peace negotiations are currently underway between the United States and Russia, as only a U.S.–Russia agreement can bring an end to the Ukraine war.

The peace talks have also made it clear that there are still those in Europe who are strongly in favor of war,

– he said. 

However, we belong to the peace camp. We stand with those who are rooting for the success of the peace negotiations. We are pro-peace,

– FM Szijjarto added. 

Meanwhile, members of the pro-war camp are gathering in London. Those who want this war to continue are coming together. Those who have no qualms about sacrificing human lives or spending billions of euros when it comes to prolonging the war are meeting there,

– he continued. 

It is obvious that we have no place at such a pro-war gathering. We stand with the pro-peace camp, we negotiate with them, and we are committed to the success of the peace talks,

– Mr. Szijjarto underlined.


Cover photo: Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Photo: MTI/Bodnar Boglarka)

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