Poland FM Attacks Hungary

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski attacked Hungary, claiming that the country is blocking joint European defense efforts, thus assisting Russia. The remark was made during a panel discussion at the Munich Security Conference, which included Keith Kellogg, as well as the Ukrainian, Polish, British foreign ministers and the Lithuanian defense minister. The discussion centered on the war in Ukraine and how to bring it to an end.

2025. 02. 16. 13:06
Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski listens to the French foreign minister’s speech in Paris on January 6, 2025 (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

At one point during the panel discussion at the Munich Security Conference, Keith Kellogg, special envoy representing the US, asked Radoslaw Sikorski to "talk to the Hungarians" because Poland's foreign minister claimed that Hungary was obstructing joint European defense efforts and thus aiding Russia.

Radosław Sikorski lengyel külügyminiszter szerint Magyarország akadályozza a közös hadügyi erőfeszítéseket
 Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski claims that  Hungary is blocking joint European defense efforts (Photo: AFP)

Hungary doesn't want to arm itself, Poland's foreign minister says

Radoslaw Sikorski has criticized Hungary for not wanting the European Union to increase its defense spending, arguing that this is a major mistake since Russia is expanding westward. His colleagues present also used war rhetoric, with the exception of Keith Kellogg, who spoke in favor of peace. 

The British, Ukrainian, Polish, and Lithuanian politicians were committed to providing Ukraine with more weapons in order to bring Russia to its knees.

Keith Kellogg called for caution, pointing out that Russia is prepared to make any sacrifice to achieve victory, as it did in the Second World War. It is this fighting spirit, Kellogg said, that makes it impossible to defeat Russia in a war of attrition, making damage control the most important task at hand. He also stated that Russia has built an alliance system and that the sanctions have not reached their goal, while Ukraine has suffered significant human and material losses.

However, a Ukrainian MP intervened to point out that Ukraine has been fighting Russia for 11 years and is ready to continue the war.

The special envoy faced much criticism  for the remark that European Union would only participate indirectly in peace talks to end the Russia-Ukraine war, through the United States. However, Kellogg responded by saying, "America first doesn’t mean America alone," emphasizing that European partners would be involved. 

By the end of the discussion, it became clear that apart from Keith Kellogg, the other participants believed that the key to peace lay in armament rather than negotiations.

Cover photo: Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski listens to the French foreign minister’s speech at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris on January 6, 2025 (Photo: AFP)


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