Viktor Orban "Steps Onto the Political Field" with Annual Address

The Hungarian government aims to act in service of the people's best interest.

2025. 02. 23. 16:28
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivering his annual State of the Republic address (Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office/ Vivien Cher Benko)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

“The measures announced in the prime minister’s annual address prove that the Hungarian government aims to act in the people's best interest,” Bank Levente Boros, director of political analysis at the Nezopont Institute, said on Kossuth Radio’s Sunday news program. He emphasized that regardless of whether the government has to face down Brussels, the gender lobby, the Soros network or multinational corporations, its primary goal is to improve the lives of Hungarian citizens.

Boros highlighted that with this speech, "the prime minister stepped out onto the political field," demonstrating to all voters—not just his base—that he understands his responsibilities, the conditions under which the government must work, and what the people expect.

While foreign policy, especially amid recent war-torn years, has dominated public discourse and the prime minister’s speeches, the analyst noted a shift:

"At the start of this year—thanks in part to the change in U.S. leadership—responsible politicians, including Hungary’s prime minister, must begin thinking about the post-war future."

The address balanced a review of achievements with promises to defend them and introduced future plans. Hungary’s position and growing strength, partly due to its performance and the war’s nearing end, provides opportunities for achievement on these fronts.

"We have defended Hungary; the government and the country remain stable. We live in peace, and now it’s time to improve and ease people’s lives," Boros quoted PM Viktor Orban.

Central to these efforts is a tax reduction program for families, especially those with multiple children, to protect and support the well-being of families—a priority of Orban’s government,

the analyst stressed.

Addressing food prices, Boros called the issue complex. The prime minister urged retail chains to exercise moderation for the people’s benefit, warning that if cooperation fails, the government has tools to intervene.

Boros noted that opposition parties offered little substantive response and perhaps refrained from criticizing the proposed measures.


Cover photo: Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivering his annual State of the Republic address (Photo: Prime Minister’s Press Office/ Vivien Cher Benko)


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