Bryan Leib: Trump and Viktor Orban Share a Common Vision

Bryan Leib, a senior fellow at the Center for Fundamental Rights, shared his views on the relationship between the United States and Hungary, as well as the future of the situation in Ukraine. The expert emphasized the importance of pragmatic cooperation and the protection of national sovereignty.

2025. 03. 05. 16:34
Donald Trump and Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

According to Bryan Leib, under Trump's presidency, relations between the United States and Hungary have significantly improved.

Unlike the previous administration, which tried to criticize Hungary on ideological grounds, Trump and Viktor Orban share a common vision regarding sovereignty, national identity, and the rejection of globalist interventions. The relationship is now based on pragmatic cooperation, with Hungary playing a key role as a European partner,

Leib told Magyar Nemzet.

Leib highlighted defense and security—particularly cooperation within NATO—as crucial areas of collaboration.

Hungary's increasing defense spending and military modernization align with Trump’s vision that NATO partners should take responsibility for their own security,

he added. He also emphasized the importance of economic and energy cooperation between the U.S. and Hungary, particularly regarding energy policy.

"The United States supports the diversification of Hungary’s energy market, and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to Central Europe are playing an increasingly significant role," Leib stated.

The expert also highlighted the shared resistance of both Hungary and the United States to globalist institutions.

Hungary and the United States both stand against globalist institutions, defend national sovereignty, and reject leftist ideological trends in international organizations,

he stressed.

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, Leib noted that the U.S. is no longer willing to provide unconditional support. He pointed to the failure of an agreement on rare earth minerals as an indication that "Ukraine must prove that it is a reliable partner, not just a perpetual aid recipient."

He added:

The recent Trump-Zelensky meeting made it clear that Ukraine must now take greater responsibility for its own defense. Aid is now conditional, primarily focusing on de-escalating the war and achieving peace.

Leib believes Zelensky's chances of maintaining U.S. support depend on whether he is willing to change his policies. "If Zelensky continues to request unlimited funding without taking responsibility, the U.S. will distance itself from him," the analyst said.

Finally, Leib warned that Ukraine's internal political situation will be crucial for future U.S. relations.

Cover photo: Donald Trump and Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)

Trump values stability, anti-corruption efforts, and pragmatic political leadership. If Ukraine fails to address its internal problems, it could undermine its credibility with the United States

he concluded.

Cover photo: Donald Trump and Viktor Orban (Photo: AFP)

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