Crude Oil Transport Resumes Through Druzhba Pipeline

Crude oil deliveries to Hungary were temporarily suspended on Tuesday due to a Ukrainian drone attack. However, the Druzhba (Friendship) oil pipeline is now back in operation after the Russian system operator completed the necessary repairs.

2025. 03. 12. 10:48
Druzhba (Friendship) crude oil pipeline illustration (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Russian system operator has finished the repairs, enabling crude to flow to Hungary through the Druzhba pipeline without disruption, announced Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Peter Szijjarto. He shared on social media that transportation had resumed following the restoration of damage caused by the drone attack.

Szijjártó Péter bejelentette, hogy helyreállították a Barátság kőolajvezetéket.
Hungary's Foreign Affairs Minister Peter Szijjarto announced that the Druzhba oil pipeline has been restored. (Photo by Anadolu via AFP/2025 Anadolu)

Druzhba Pipeline Restored

While en route to Stuttgart on Tuesday, Szijjarto reported that the attack forced a temporary halt in oil transport through the pipeline, which is critical for supplying both Hungary and Slovakia. He emphasized that repair work had begun immediately, and the Russian side assured him that deliveries would be restored as soon as possible.

Crude oil transport to Hungary via the Druzhba pipeline has resumed,

 Szijjarto confirmed on his social media page. The minister had earlier condemned the Ukrainian attacks as unacceptable, stressing that Hungary's energy supply is a matter of national sovereignty. He also reminded that the European Commission had previously guaranteed that Hungary’s energy infrastructure would not come under attack—yet, the pipeline was once again damaged. Szijjarto reaffirmed that Hungary is not responsible for the war and remains committed to staying out of the conflict.

The sooner peace is achieved, the sooner these attacks will stop,

he stated. The minister also reiterated that Hungary expects its energy security to be respected.

Cover image: Illustration (Photo: AFP)

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