Exposed Once Again: Tisza Party Remains Silent on Ukraine's EU Membership Towards Brussels

Magyar Nemzet has obtained a letter that the Tisza Party sent to Brussels on Sunday. The party informed MEPs about the topics of its data collection effort but remained silent on the fact that Ukraine’s EU accession is one of the issues. The double dealing continues, and Peter Magyar finds himself entangled in increasingly serious contradictions.

2025. 03. 17. 15:02
European Parliament (Photo: MTI/Tamas Purger)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

On Sunday morning, Zoltan Tarr, vice president of the Tisza Party, sent a self-promoting letter to Brussels. The document, which has come into our possession, was addressed to members of the European Parliament and focused on the party’s weekend event and the topics of its signature collection campaign. However, it is striking that while Peter Magyar announced 13 questions on Saturday, one of them—namely the "plus one" question—was missing from the letter. This omission is unlikely to be accidental, as the topic left out was none other than Ukraine’s EU membership. At the event, Magyar formulated the question as follows: "Do you support Ukraine becoming a member of the European Union?"

Tisza Party is thus making an effort to conceal from Brussels the fact that Ukraine’s membership is a key issue in Hungary. In light of previous events, this secrecy is even more intriguing.

It is worth recalling that last Wednesday, Peter Magyar denied signing a  pro-war proposal on Ukraine. The European Parliament’s majority voted in favor of the resolution, including the European People’s Party, to which the Tisza Party belongs. Moreover, Peter Magyar and his party did not vote against the resolution, and the party chief spent days explaining his position on the issue.

Now, Peter Magyar’s double game regarding Ukraine continues, as on Sunday morning, Zoltan Tarr deliberately omitted the issue of Ukraine’s membership from the letter sent to their colleagues in Brussels.


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