We'll Dissect Pro-War Resolution Featuring Peter Magyar's Name

The call for the urgent supply of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine is just one of the scandalous points of the pro-war resolution that listed Peter Magyar as a proposer. Magyar Nemzet will take a closer look at what the document contains, which was pushed through the European Parliament by the left-wing coalition of the European People's Party, where the Tisza Party is a member.

2025. 03. 14. 12:34
Source: YouTube
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Magyar Nemzet is launching a new series of articles to scrutinize the pro-war resolution that featured Peter Magyar’s name as a proposer and was approved by the European Parliament during Wednesday’s plenary session. Peter Magyar, feeling insulted and making accusations, demanded that his name be removed, yet the European People's Party, which includes his Tisza Party, ultimately voted in favor of it. Now let’s take a closer look at what the proposal contains and what exactly frightened Peter Magyar!

Strasbourg, 2024. október 9.
Magyar Péter, a Tisza Párt elnöke és EP-képviselője (b) és Manfred Weber, az Európai Néppárt (EPP) elnöke sajtótájékoztatót tart Strasbourgban 2024. október 9-én.
MTI/Bodnár Boglárka
Peter Magyar and his party follow Manfred Weber uncritically (Photo: MTI/Boglarka Bodnar)

"It is on the Ukrainian battlefields that the future of Europe will be decided"—this is one of the key sentences of the resolution. The motion put forth by the EPP and its leftist grand coalition even urges EU member states to ensure the supply of military equipment to Ukraine before peace negotiations are concluded.

The document also urges all EU member states and NATO allies to lift all restrictions on the use of Western weapons systems delivered to Ukraine against military targets in Russian territory. The resolution calls on the member states to further expand training operations for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including in Ukrainian territory. Additionally, it calls on the EU to further expand and improve its tailor-made training operations to respond to the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The Tisza Party has long been committed to arming Ukraine

None of this is surprising given that the Tisza Party has repeatedly demonstrated its pro-war stance in favor of arming Ukraine in recent months. Zoltan Tarr, the head of the party's EP delegation, openly admitted as early as last October that they uncritically follow the militarist direction set by Manfred Weber and his allies.

As he put it, "we rely on the EPP’s position, which is a kind of obligation," adding that, "we have accepted and will continue to accept the EPP’s stance, making these positions our own." Accordingly, Tisza also supported a previous European Parliament resolution calling for an increase in arms deliveries.

It was also quite telling when, in October last year, Peter Magyar gave a standing ovation to Ursula von der Leyen’s speech at the EP, in which the European Commission president firmly stated that Ukraine would continue to receive military support in the future. (Video from 44:40.)

Tisza Party MEPs reaffirmed their pro-war commitment again on November 19 last year when wearing Ukraine-themed shirts, they listened to Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech. Ukraine's president addressed the European Parliament via video link during an extraordinary session held to mark the 1,000th day of the war. Tisza Party MEPs, along with similarly dressed members of the EPP led by Manfred Weber, aligned themselves with the pro-war coalition's new slogan: "We will support Ukraine for as long as necessary."

Peter Magyar's party has made its stance clear (Source: YouTube)

Peter Magyar and the hawks

Peter Magyar's personnel choices also reflect his pro-Ukraine and pro-war stance. It is no coincidence that the Tisza Party's chief picked Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, known for his strong ties to Ukraine, as his defense advisor. It is worth recalling that as commander-in-chief of the Hungarian armed forces, Ruszin-Szendi actively sought engagement with Ukrainian military leaders and politicians.

For instance, during his visit to Ukraine in the summer of 2022, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, then commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian military, stated that the visit was a sign that Hungary was supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia. In his conversation with Peter Magyar, Ruszin-Szendi reaffirmed his pro-Ukraine and pro-war views.



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