PM Orban Sends Message to Salvini on Facebook

Matteo Salvini will not stand alone in his fight—this was the assurance given by the Hungarian prime minister in a post on his Facebook page. Viktor Orban also expressed his admiration for the Italian politician on social media after presenting him with the Hunyadi Award in an official ceremony.

2025. 03. 20. 9:23
PM Viktor Orban presents the Janos Hunyadi Award of the Civic Hungary Foundation to Italian Deputy PM Matteo Salvini. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

In his post, PM Orban also higlighted the Hunyadi Award presented to Matteo Salvini, which the Italian politician received in recognition of his fight for European freedom and independence. In his Facebook post, Hungary's prime minister emphasized that Mr. Salvini is not only fighting for a just cause but is fulfilling a mission that will shape Europe’s future.

You must know that you are not alone. The nations of Europe and all freedom-loving people are watching you and deeply appreciate your struggle,

– PM Orban wrote. He added that the battle is for the soul of the Western world, but the fight is worth the sacrifice.

Earlier, Magyar Nemzet had already reported on the award ceremony, during which Viktor Orban compared Mr. Salvini to Janos Hunyadi, emphasizing that the Italian politician had protected Europe by taking a stand against illegal migration. PM Orban’s latest Facebook post reinforced this message, underlining that Salvini’s fight is not just about his own country but concerns the entire continent.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban presents the Janos Hunyadi Award of the Civic Hungary Foundation to Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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