Csaba Latorcai: The European Parliament's move is unacceptable

This draft resolution attacks Hungary and the Hungarian people without any basis or factuality for not supporting the war, migration and gender insanity, the deputy minister for regional development told the daily Magyar Nemzet. Csaba Latorcai said the EP goes far beyond its competence, adding that he trusts that this will not affect, in any shape or form, the agreement on the EU funds that Hungary is entitled to.

2023. 05. 26. 21:10
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.


- This move is totally unacceptable, all the more so because the European Parliament (EP) has no legal basis to influence or decide which member state takes on the EU’s rotating presidency, said Csaba Latorcai, deputy minister for regional development and parliamentary state secretary, in response to a request from our newspaper. He pointed out that the EP goes far beyond its remit and bases its draft resolution on empty, left-wing accusations driven by party politics, with the sole aim of delivering yet another attack on Hungary led by a right-wing government.

Latorcai Csaba, EP
There's a connection between the EP report and last week’s visit of the Budgetary Control Committee, Csaba Latorcai says. Photo: AFP/Kenzo Tribouillard

- I am confident that this will in no way affect the agreement on the EU funds our country is entitled to. In the course of consultations with the European Commission, the Hungarian parliament has already adopted the last legislative amendment, which we hope will remove all obstacles to the disbursement of funds,  he added. 

Everything that has been agreed on has been fulfilled, the parliamentary state secretary has stressed, pointing out that it's now up to the European Commission to finally release the funds that Hungary is legally entitled to. Therefore he trusts that the Commission will not give in to the EP’s blackmail, he added.

– This draft resolution attacks Hungary and the Hungarian people without any basis or factuality for not supporting the war, migration and gender insanity. Moreover, it’s an attempt to put pressure on the European Commission just when we have reached the finish line and the money due to the Hungarian people and businesses should be disbursed. That’s going way too far, Mr Latorcai said.

There's a connection with the EP delegation's visit last week

Referring to a visit by the EP’s Budgetary Control Committee to Budapest last week, the state secretary said that regretfully, a connection between the delegation's visit and the EP report can be detected in several respects. “While the government received the delegation with a constructive approach, the committee was chaperoned by two left-wing Hungarian MEPs, Sandor Ronai of the Democratic Coalition (DK) party and Katalin Cseh of Momentum. The latter politician was implicated in the abuse of EU funds through her family company. This also shows that the European Parliament's Budgetary Control Committee did not want to find the facts, but came to ideologize why EU funds due to Hungary should not be transferred," Mr Latorcai said. 

He said it was particularly controversial that it was Katalin Cseh, a politician of the opposition Momentum Party, who hosted the committee monitoring the use of EU funds, as she too has come under suspicion regarding the misuse of EU funds.

– How come that the delegation has remained unperturbed by all this? Is it possible that the committee was not interested in the facts and simply paid a visit based on unfounded leftist prejudices to Budapest, wishing to use our capital as some sort of acting prop, and that they had already reached a verdict even before they left? - Mr Latorcai asked. 

– Regarding the statement made by delegation member Daniel Freund of The Greens after the visit, when he repeated the accusations and called for action, did no one from the committee say that this was the verdict and not the testimony? - the state secretary said, asking a rhetorical question. He specifically pointed out that the left-wing majority in the European Parliament did not even bother to maintain the appearance of being factual, and did not wait for the summary of the visit of the Budgetary Control Committee.

Hungary is under pressure

– This is a pure left-wing "show procedure" motivated by party politics. On the one hand, the committee wants to put pressure on the Hungarian people, saying that if they do not change their position on the rejection of gender, war and migration, they will not receive EU funds. On the other hand, they want to put pressure on the European Commission not to disburse the funds that Hungary is entitled to as long as it does not support war, migration and the gender insanity. And it is unprecedented that the resolution is proposed among others by Katalin Cseh, who has also proposed that that Hungarian people and businesses should not receive the funds that are entitled to, but that the committee should impose additional conditions on Hungary. This move is a prime example of how the Hungarian left has turned against Hungarian national interests.

– Despite all the external pressure and the machinations of the Hungarian Dollar Left, the government continues to stand by the views of the Hungarian people. Hungary does not enter the war, and it says no to migration and gender insanity!

– Csaba Latorcai noted.

Cover photo: Csaba Latorcai (Photo: Miklos Teknos)


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