Of course, there is no network, no scheme by Soros has ever existed, and the United States has no intention of meddling in the domestic affairs of its allies, toppling governments, or sparking color revolutions. Any statement, evidence or historical fact to the contrary is a conspiracy theory or fascism. This is the starting point. And looking at the course of the world from these foundations implies that the revealing statement (that the United States, through the CIA and USAID agency, is pouring money into lackey newspapers and journalists) recently made by Robert Kennedy Jr, a Democratic presidential candidate, is nothing more than paranoia and/or fascism.
Ordinary traitors
Of course, there is no network, no scheme by Soros has ever existed, and the United States has no intention of meddling in the domestic affairs of its allies.
And if an unfortunate 'accident' happens to Robert Jr., like to his uncle, it won't be the network's doings either. After all, there is no network.
And no matter what anyone claims, no matter what bank statement or acknowledgment receipt they wave, no dollars or euros are coming here (or anywhere else). Or if they do, they all come in the form of "micro-donations" and that's nobody's business, so let's move on.
Meanwhile, Hir TV has revealed that the Brussels-based Journalism Fund, linked to George Soros, provided 14,500 euros or 5.5 million forints to the scoundrels – calling themselves journalists – who slandered Franciscan monk Csaba Bojte, the saver of thousands of orphaned children, in "fact-finding reports". Some of the money went to Tunde Szabo, who 'works' at Atlatszo Erdely (Transparent Transylvania) and to Arpad Kulcsar, who vents his hatred on a daily basis at the bolshevist Merce. The latter has been convicted in a case for falsely accusing someone of sexual harassment.
További IN ENGLISH híreink
After being exposed, Kulcsar did not commit seppuku, as is the case with individuals with a functioning conscience, but instead began to smear Csaba Bojte. As to the credibility of the so-called investigative reports, it is telling that the main interviewee – a certain Monika – subsequently admitted that she had lied in the interview because she wanted to see a teacher, with whom she had a consensual romance, behind bars.
Well, that five and a half million arrived from Brussels (partly) for this hideous attempt at character assassination.
Let there be no doubt, however, fact-finding Arpad and Tunde will meet their fate sooner or later, and the food they bought on this Judas money will turn bitter in their mouths. And the list continues. The 'academy' run by the Telex news portal has been awarded nearly 800 thousand US dollars in funding from the US State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) while dollars came rolling in to Arpad W Tota, journalist at the economic weekly HVG, from David Koranyi's Action for Democracy to finance the indoctrination of young people with the help of his new political magazine. But Brussels and Washington pump "micro-donations" not only into newspapers run by the crony crew or 'civil society' organizations but a great deal of money goes to leftist parties to see if they eventually manage to bring about a change of government. Peter (Messiah) Marki-Zay's movement received some four billion forints worth of dollars during last year's election campaign (again, with Koranyi's help).
További IN ENGLISH híreink
Gergely Karacsony's 99 Movement saw half a billion worth of euros and dollars materialize in its bank account.
Karacsony's explanation for the whole thing was: "micro-donation". Funny guy.
Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson recently disclosed that in last year's Hungarian elections, not only the CIA but also the US State Department made efforts to bring down the Orban government. Obviously, both Johnson and Kennedy expose the operation of a non-existent network because Orban bought them by the kilo. The other, more likely, possibility is that they are telling the truth. In that case, we are dealing with a serious violation of Hungary's sovereignty, and the Hungarian agents who accept foreign pay must be called what they are: ordinary traitors.
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Hodmezovasarhely Mayor Peter Marki-Zay and Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony (Photo: Krisztian Mate)
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Tovább az összes cikkhezWhen Should We Introduce the Euro?
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Ursula von der Leyen has once again ordered millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
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