In recent years, the number of links between the world's conservatives has expanded, Matan Peleg, the CEO of the right-wing Israeli organization called Im Tircu and an invited speaker at next week's conference organized by the Budapest-based Center for Fundamental Rights, told Magyar Nemzet.
The European Pro-Israel Summit aims to promote the further deepening of the alliance between Hungary and Israel and the building of new partnerships. The event on October 9 will be opened by Gergely Gulyas, the head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's Office.
Im Tircu is a right-wing organization founded in Israel in 2006, and its mission is to promote Zionist values and to fight against foreign-funded NGOs and the ideologies they permeate. Matan Peleg took over the helm from the organization's founder, Ronen Shoval, in 2013.
Speaking to Magyar Nemzet, the CEO explained, that throughout the years, the common denominator among conservatives was that they were all anti-imperialists. Each wanted to live in an independent country that preserves local cultural heritage, while still achieving progress and integrating with the boundless global world. One the one hand, they wanted to live a free life, and on the other, they were keen to preserve the legacy of the ancestors who created the civilization that we know.

In recent years, we saw that conservatives have found themselves to be defending values that were previously considered elementary and basic,
- he said. As an example, he cited the importance of the family structure, preserving family values, and preserving the identities of male and female genders in the face of intentional efforts to blur these essential distinctions by leaders of dangerous trends. And add to this the constant external challenges of terrorism and cultures that seek to eliminate the West by means of the sword.
According to Mr Peleg, the woke ideology has already spilled over to Israel. - Perhaps less intensely than it is felt in the US, but it is certainly present. We have recently witnessed a very severe, almost self-destructive anti-Semitic attack carried out by extreme left-wing elements in Israel against Orthodox Jews in Tel Aviv. This is clearly a very prominent sign of the woke culture that hates any Judeo-Christian symbol. There is also an attempt in the LGBT sphere to import from the US excessive trends of coercion, Mr Peleg added.
Israel is one of the few countries showing demographic growth. According to the expert, the phenomenon has cultural roots, because in Israel families with two children are often viewed as small families.
If large families do not come naturally, I would recommend for the government to perhaps launch informational campaigns and provide increased benefits to families with three or more children.
− Mr Peleg recommended.
Yet, contrary to the issue of family policy, the LGBTQ issue is viewed very differently in Israel, he said. In Israel it’s not seen as a threatening issue, because the LGBT community is rather free in Israel and, at the same time, heterosexual families don’t feel that the LGBT community is trying to influence their children.
− As I understand it, some people in the US feel that this is the case. In Israel, there is less coercion on heterosexual families and children than in the US and probably in Europe. In this regard, I think Hungarian society feels more threatened because the threat is physically closer to it. In general, I think that conservatives don't really care what people do in their private homes. What they do care about is being forced to do something that goes against their values, the Israeli expert highlighted.
Next year there will be a presidential election in the United States, the outcome of which is particularly important for the conservative world.
For the sake of the US, the West, and humanity as a whole, I hope that the Republicans will return to power,
− Mr Peleg said, summing up his expectations.
Asked whether he agrees with Hungarian PM Orban's statement that Donald Trump can save humanity and bring peace to Ukraine and other parts of the world, the CEO of Im Tircu said that "since the US is the largest monetary supporter of the Ukrainian army, it is clear that if the US changes direction and presses with all its might for a ceasefire, the Ukrainians will have to take the deal," simply because without the US they have no sponsor to continue the war. On the other hand, Putin's years of leadership show that he respects strong leaders.
Therefore, yes... I tend to agree with Prime Minister Orban's statement,
− Matan Peleg said, in conclusion.