Relations between Hungary and Slovakia have never been as good as they are now, because the two countries are linked within the EU in a way that they each reinforce the other in terms of physical, economic and energy security, PM Orban said after holding talks with Slovak PM Robert Fico in Budapest, on Tuesday. The interests of Hungary and Slovakia are "at least 99% in the same direction" and sovereignty is key for both countries, Mr Orban said at a joint press conference.
PM Orban: Hungary–Slovakia Relations Have Never Been So Good
The two countries are strengthening each other in terms of physical, economic and energy security.
On Hungary’s part — and I sense identical feelings here — we are unhappy about Brussels’ initiatives for a super state. We are absolutely unhappy about efforts to make illegal migration legitimate, and we want to protect our borders and have a say about whom we allow to enter our country,
– he added. Hungary's prime minister expressed gratitude to PM Fico for Slovakia’s regular police presence at the southern borders of Hungary, in exchange for which Hungary is glad to contribute to air policing efforts in Slovakia's airspace from the beginning of this year.
Responding to a journalist's question, PM Orban said Hungary was in an easy situation when it comes to its upcoming European Council Presidency, because both Hungary and himself had experience in filling that post, albeit in less "explosive" times.
We have experience in representing national interests without harming our mediating role while holding the rotating European Council presidency,
– he added. He and his Slovak counterpart agreed that Hungary's European affairs minister would work closely with his Slovak counterpart in the spirit of preparing for the presidency, Mr Orban stressed.
Slovakia stands by Hungary against Brussels
Slovakia does not support the curbing of Hungary’s rights in the European Union, Slovak PM Robert Fico said.
Speaking at a joint press briefing with Hungary's prime minister, Mr Fico emphasized that the ongoing turmoil involving the Hungarian and Slovak governments is a cause for concern. The European Parliament is set to adopt a declaration on Wednesday regarding amendments to Slovakia's criminal code and the abolition of the special prosecutor's office. In connection with this, he criticized Slovak opposition MEPs, accusing them of harming the entire country to undermine the government.
Slovakia is monitoring the situation around Hungary too, as there have been proposals to strip the country of its voting and other rights, PM Fico said, adding that as long as he remains Slovakia's head of government, he will oppose any measures aiming to punish countries for fighting for national independence and sovereignty. He underscored that they also reject the EU's migration pact and share the same views as PM Viktor Orban on Ukraine and the functioning of the Visegrad Group of countries (V4).
Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban (right) and Slovak prime minister Robert Fico attend a joint press conference at the Carmelite Monastery on January 16, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Szilard Koszticsak)
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Aleksandar Vucic has made serious claims about the wave of protests plaguing Serbia.