The Action for Democracy (A4D) sought to achieve its goals by influencing the elections in Hungary and other sovereign countries with the help of their established relations with EU and US leaders and with the involvement of the international media as a partner in their machinations, Mandiner reported.
Action for Democracy has been striving to influence the balance of political power across the European Union, as exposed by a video recently shared on the MagaBabe profile on X. In the footage, Kati Marton, chair of the A4D board of trustees, talks about their operations in Poland, and reveals that they have been trying to shape the politics of Europe to their liking.
The video reveals that the chair of the A4D board of trustees, together with "David" (who is most probably David Koranyi, the organisation's executive director), held discussions with Mark Brzezinski, the US ambassador to Warsaw, on how they could help Donald Tusk and his allies to power in order to replace the conservative PiS government, which Marton describes as extremist.
While Marton talks about saving democracy, their actions and the money they receive from abroad, largely from George Soros, have threatened the democratic nature of elections in several countries.
In one of the recordings, Koranyi, who was formerly Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony's chief advisor on city diplomacy, describes how the organization and the left-led Budapest municipality lobbied the European Commission to freeze the EU funds Hungary was entitled to. Furthermore, Eric Koch, a collaborating partner of A4D, discloses in one of the videos that propaganda materials designed to discredit the Hungarian government were also promoted through leading international media outlets.

According to the activist, before the 2022 election, for example, he tried to put pressure on CNN's political director and the president of NBC News practically on a daily basis to air material that portrayed Hungary in a negative light.
Due to Viktor Orban's growing popularity in Republican circles in the US, he had a White House correspondent write a discrediting article smearing the Hungarian Prime Minister's reputation on Yahoo News, the most viewed news site in the US.
The videos published on MagaBabe help to reveal how Action for Democracy and its sponsors, primarily George Soros, are seeking to steer geopolitical processes in line with their own interests, and what network of contacts and financial means they have at their disposal.
In the videos, several A4D leaders admitted that the rolling dollars largely came from the stock exchange speculator,
Mandiner pointed out in its article.
A Hungarian intelligence report launched to investigate foreign influence in the 2022 election, which was partially declassified last summer, found that through A4D and a Swiss foundation more than four billion forints had flowed into Hungary to support the left wing's election campaign.
Sovereignty Protection Office to investigate
Given that the attempted interference posed a serious national security risk to the Hungary's sovereignty, the Fidesz majority in the National Assembly voted in favor of the sovereignty protection act at the end of last year, and the fundamental law was amended accordingly. The newly set up Sovereignty Protection Office started operation on February 1 and is preparing to scrutinize the full Action for Democracy video footage published on MagaBabe.