Peter Magyar Not Enough to Topple Viktor Orban, Bulgarian expert says

Georgi Markov is confident of a right-wing surge in the June EP elections.

2024. 04. 10. 13:56
Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Sarajevo on April 4, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

"Democracy is alive and well in Hungary," Georgi Markov stated. The former Bulgarian constitutional judge currently residing in Hungary voiced his thoughts on the most read Bulgarian news portals, and, after Peter Magyar organized yet another demonstration on Sunday, gathering with his supporters in front of the Parliament building in Budapest. Markov noted that opposition-organized anti-government demonstrations illustrates that Hungary is a democracy.

But it is not normal for the Western media and the opposition to lie about the scale of the event. The speaker at the podium cited hundreds of thousands of participants, when there were only 40,000,

he stressed, pointing out that the photos taken at the rally do not bear out crowds of hundreds of thousands.

Lawyer Peter Magyar, speaks to supporters on Kossuth Lajos Square outside Parliament building in Budapest on April 6, 2024. Photo by MTI Szilard Kosticsak

According to the ex-constitutional judge, a few tens of thousands of people are not enough to overthrow PM Viktor Orban, who is in the middle of his term and was voted in by a not trivial three million Hungarians. In his article, the expert lists the factors that will contribute to the success of the Right in the European Parliamentary and local elections on June 9:

  • Viktor Orban stood on the side of peace in the Russia-Ukraine war and even consulted voters on it back in 2022. In time, Markov says, the truth about the "colossal losses" sustained by Ukrainians will come out and "Viktor Orban will be the only leader [in the European Union] who can rightfully not feel guilty over the victims".
  • Hungary has a state policy that protects Christian values, Christian families and opposes gender ideology in schools.
  • Viktor Orban was the first to take a stand against the Islamization of Europe, even building a fence to curb migration.
  • The government is supporting at least five million Hungarians living as an indigenous minority in neighboring countries, and Markov listed a number of developments, including stadiums and the renovation of monuments in these communities.
  • Hungary has the sports infrastructure to host the Olympics at any given time - it is no coincidence that Israel is holding its sporting events in Hungary for security reasons.
  • Viktor Orban saw the collapse of "liberal non-democracy" as early as 2014, and the last ten years have proven him right. "Orban became Trump before Trump became Trump," he said.

The former judge expects the EP elections on June 9 to be a victory for the Right across Europe. In Germany, he said, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has become the second political force, while Spain and Portugal are also seeing a strengthening of the Right. He also pointed out that "while the opposition is pleading for social democracy", the decline of the Left is visible throughout Europe. As an example, he cited German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, whose disapproval rating now stands at 73%.

Hungary will not become a second Bulgaria: a colony of Soros and the US Embassy - much to the horror of Alexander Soros,

he underlined.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Sarajevo on April 4, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltan Fischer)

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