European People Are Against Sending Soldiers to Ukraine

Although the majority of Europeans polled reject the idea of EU troops going to Ukraine, the degree of disagreement with the plan varied depending on the country. This is what the results of a survey conducted by Nezopont Institute showed. In contrast, war-mongering Macron does not rule out the deployment of European troops to the war-torn country, and some reports suggest that French training officers are already on Ukrainian soil. These moves are bringing World War III closer by the day.

2024. 06. 06. 16:47
Ukrainian soldier from the 92nd Brigade's Achilles Battalion prepares to launch a suicide drone at Russian targets in Kharkiv region, eastern Ukraine, on May 12, 2024 (Photo: MTI/AP/Jevhen Maloletka)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The research put out by the Nezopont Institute shows that the European people polled do not want their children, grandchildren, husbands and other family members and friends to die for the sake of seeing Russia defeated in Ukraine. The majority of respondents in the survey do not agree with sending soldiers from EU countries to the war-torn country.


No to EU soldiers in Ukraine

The survey asked respondents whether they agree or disagree with sending troops from EU member states to Ukraine.

The polls were conducted in April and May 2024, interviewing 1,000 people per country. The results show that only a very small proportion of these populations support such a proposal.

The data shows that only 6% of Bulgarians agree with soldier deployment, 10% of Hungarians and 13% of Slovenes. The idea is also unpopular among Romanians (19%), Slovaks (12%), Croats (14%), Austrians (17%) and Poles (16%). A fifth of all respondents would be against it. Czechs are also in the minority on being in favor of sending troops to Ukraine. This is according to research by the Nezopont Institute.

French president and other EU leaders ignoring the will of the people

In recent months, there has been a succession of incitements to war from leading European politicians. The pro-war leaders are praticaly one-upping each other in rhetoric with the aim of defeating Russia at any cost. Despite the fact that people do not want killing, and the many citizens in EU countries reject the idea of sending EU soldiers to Ukraine, the continent abounds with politicians who are in a state of war psychosis, with Emmanuel Macron being the most vocal pro-war advocate. As Magyar Nemzet highlighted in several pieces, in recent weeks, France's president has taken an increasingly tough stance towards Russia in recent weeks. The French leader has  refused to rule out the possibility of  deploying troops in Ukraine in recent months.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure that Russia cannot win this war. Everything is possible, including sending Western troops to Ukraine,

said Emmanuel Macron at the end of February, opening Pandora's box. 

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has also projected a possible escalation of the war, saying that literally any scenario is possible, Magyar Nemzet reported.

I know it sounds devastating, especially to people of the younger generation, but we have to mentally get used to the arrival of a new era. The prewar era,

Tusk said in late March.

Poland cannot rule out sending troops to Ukraine either, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslav Sikorski said.

Josep Borrell also joined the ranks of pro-war politicians. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, for example, said:

Europe must prepare for a possible war. A full-scale conflict on the continent beyond Ukraine is no longer a fantasy.

The leaders of the Baltic states call for stronger support for Kyiv from its  Western allies.

French military instructors already in Ukraine?

We seem to be getting ever closer to a real world war. As our paper reported earlier, the Russian Foreign Minister believes that French military instructors are already in Ukraine. According to Moscow, this makes them a legitimate target.

At a joint press conference with Congolese Foreign Affairs Minister Jean Claude Gakosso, Lavrov spoke about a possible open confrontation with the French.

As for the French instructors, I think they are already on the Ukrainian territory,

Lavrov said, emphasizing that 

Regardless of their status, military officials or mercenaries represent a legitimate target for our armed forces.”


Cover photo: Ukrainian soldier from the 92nd Brigade's Achilles Battalion prepares to launch a suicide drone at Russian targets in Kharkiv region, eastern Ukraine, on May 12, 2024 (Photo: MTI/AP/Jevhen Maloletka) 

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