Hungarians Don't Want Pro-War MEPs

The more pro-peace politicians we send to Brussels, the louder the demand for peace will be," Zoltan Lomnici Jr. told Magyar Nemzet. According to the Szazadveg foundation's legal expert, Fidesz made it clear in its election manifesto that the EU's current leadership has failed to properly assess the gravity of the problems facing Europe. The constitutional lawyer also spoke about the co-ruling Christian Democratic (KDNP) party's ten-point manifesto, which could be seen as a return to the EU's fundamental values.

2024. 06. 04. 16:19
Ukrainian artillerymen with a ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun near Kyiv on November 30, 2023, during the Russia-Ukraine war (Photo: MTI/EPA/Oleh Petrasyuk)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

– At the European Parliament (EP) elections, we'll vote not just for party lists, but also for war or peace. Some parties are openly pro-war, advocating for sending weapons and soldiers to Ukraine, while others—such as Fidesz and the co-ruling Christian Democrats (KDNP) in Hungary—take a pro-peace stance. In doing so, they represent the will of the Hungarian people, and, not least, the European people, in contrast to the Brussels elite, which makes decisions in the interests of globalist, pro-war big business," constitutional lawyer Zoltan Lomnici explained to our newspaper.

The legal expert from Szazadveg emphasized that a war is raging in our neighborhood; more and more lives are lost every day, the economy suffers daily blows, and the left continues trying to drag the country into the conflict, disregarding the lives of our young people and the heavy historical burden we have been forced to carry over the past century.

– They are completely blinded by their desire for political gain and to retake power, and to this end, nothing is too expensive," Mr. Lomnici underlined. He pointed out that Hungary only has 21 MEPs in the European Parliament—a small proportion of the total headcount, but the message we are sending to Europe is still very decisive. The more pro-peace politicians we send to Brussels, the louder the demand for peace will be. Our country must lead by example, showing that Hungarians do not want either war or pro-war MEPs.

As highlighted by Magyar Nemzet earlier, Fidesz published its election manifesto in April, which, according to the expert, makes it clear that the current leadership of the EU has failed to properly assess the gravity of the problems that are posing a challenge in Europe, and to provide adequate responses to these issues. 

– Fidesz's manifesto also highlights the fact that today, in the east of Europe, the most destructive war since the Second World War is taking place, while the threat of escalation is not being taken seriously enough by most Western politicians. Fidesz also points out that the EU's economy is in decline because of the war, the sanctions, and the severe energy crisis, and that the risk of terrorism has been a constant threat in major cities in the West for years,

– Mr Lominci said, explaining Fidesz's manifesto.

As is known, Hungary's co-ruling Christian Democratic party (KDNP) also published a ten-point manifesto in May, in the run-up to the EP elections. According to the constitutional lawyer, this can also be viewed as a return to the core values of the EU and its legal predecessors, since it was in the wake of the World War's inhuman and bloody conflicts that European politicians, armed with the lessons taught, embarked on a long process that would lead to the creation of the economic and intellectual unity of the continent, which we now know institutionally as the EU. 

– It was the desire and ideal of preserving peace that laid the foundations of the EU, and it is this old and important message of peace, the spirit of the 'founding fathers' of European unity, that is conveyed in KDNP's manifesto. According to the document, the Europe of today, the citizens of Europe and the framework for further peaceful cooperation are threatened by dangerous challenges that have not been seen for a long time, and therefore there is no time to delay, action for peace must be taken as soon as possible,

– Zoltan Lomnici, Jr. explained.

Cover photo: Illustration (Photo: MTI/EPA/Oleh Petrasyuk)


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