The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians Is One of the Most Stable Parties in Serbia

VMSZ/SVM, led by Balint Pasztor, celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Forrás: MTI2024. 06. 18. 14:23
Balint Pasztor, party president of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (VMSZ/SVM) has experienced one of the most trying periods in its thirty-year existence, but the tragedies and four elections of the past seven months have shown that VMSZ/SVM remains one of the most stable parties in Serbia, party chief Balint Pasztor told MTI on the occasion of the anniversary. He remarked that at the end of October last year, the party lost its president, Istvan Pasztor, and two days later, the campaign for snap parliamentary and provincial elections began. The largest ethnic Hungarian party in the northern region of the country was successful in these December elections and in the municipal and European Parliament elections in June.

I am happy that we managed to preserve the community and the party, and the Alliance of  Vojvodina Hungarians remains one of the most stable parties on the Serbian domestic political scene. Disappearing into the political abyss - something that has happened to many even long-time consequential parties - did not happen to us,

he stressed.

In the recent past there has been an election every one and a half to two years on average, the party chief pointed out, expressing his confidence that the coming period will be calmer and will be about real work. He hopes that the stability in domestic politics will help to ensure that infrastructure projects and the development plans of individual municipalities could be completed in this time. The politician has also chaired the Municipal Assembly of Subotica, in addition to being an MP and party group leader in the national Parliament. In the future, however, he will resign from his post in Subotica, because as party president he wants to focus attention on all ethnic Hungarian municipalities, "as Istvan Pasztor had done before him and as is the duty of a party president". "That's why I didn't accept the post of minister either, despite being tapped for the position, but I considered it more important to coordinate the work of our eight state secretaries and to be able to speak out on important issues in Parliament. In addition to these tasks, I would like to be among the people as much as possible," he said.

The Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians  was founded in Senta (Zenta) on June 18, 1994. It became a political party almost exactly one year later, on June 17, 1995. Balint Pasztor is the fourth president of VMSZ/SVM. On the occasion of the anniversary, he stressed that the party has always stood by the indigenous Hungarian community in Vojvodina.

"The community could always count on us," he underlined. The law on national minority councils, the strategic partnership between Hungary and Serbia, the historic reconciliation between the two countries, and numerous laws that have benefited the indigenous Hungarian community in Vojvodina are all linked to the VMSZ/SVM. "In the last three decades, this community has experienced not only hyperinflation and sanctions, but also bombings and physical violence against Hungarians. Ferenc Csubela and Jozsef Kasza had to lead this party in a time of war, and it is thanks to them that the Hungarian community and its representation in Serbia have been preserved. Under Istvan Pasztor's presidency, this work came to fruition and he broadened the scope of VMSZ/SVM's politics to include existential issues improving the livelihood of people in the region, on top of continuing focus on minority protection. It was this that helped the party to remain competitive despite being a regional and minority party in a difficult field", Mr Pasztor said, analyzing the last 30 years of activity.

The party president also mentioned that he had learned from previous presidents to take a firm, tough stance and to put the interests of the community first, but also that "we have to define our policies and enter into elections independently but then seek allies to achieve our goals".

VMSZ has built strategic partnerships with the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and with Fidesz. The effects are most felt by Hungarians in Vojvodina and Serbs in Hungary, but this required the closure of previous disputes. "Adaptability is definitely a prerequisite for a regional minority party to be successful in the 21st century", he stressed, adding that another important factor is maintaining continuous dialogue with the people and society.

Three decades ago, the dilemma was already how politics can cooperate with intellectuals and civil society organizations. Even then - to quote Janos Banyai - the importance of a "conversing society" was discussed, and it is still the case today. (...) I would like to open up to those who are not members of VMSZ /SVM but who want to work for the benefit of the community, and whose activities do not consist merely of criticizing VMSZ /SVM in a superficial way,

he explained.

The 30th anniversary of the VMSZ/SVM will be celebrated in a small circle on Tuesday, while in September a celebratory academy will be held with the participation of guests from Hungary and Serbia, and next year a scientific volume on three decades of the VMSZ/SVM will be published.

In the meantime, the Istvan Pasztor Foundation has begun its work preserving the late party president's legacy and supporting the objectives he championed. These include the survival and development of the Hungarian national minority community, the continued fostering of good Serbia-Hungary relations, assisting Serbs in Hungary in their struggle for maintaining their identity, and - what he considered crucially important in his lifetime - providing support to young athletes and talents who fall under the radar of the institutionalized system, the party chief explained. Balint Pasztor also added that an award will also be established, which will be given to one person from Serbia and one from Hungary, with the first awards being presented this year on the anniversary of Istvan Pasztor's death on October 30.

Cover photo: Balint Pasztor, party president of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (Photo: MTI/Zoltan Mathe)


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