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International Spokesman: Antony Blinken's Accusation a Whopping Big Lie + Video

The Hungarian state secretary for international communication shared his views on the US presidential election campaign, the US secretary of state's accusations and the distribution of top posts in Brussels.

2024. 07. 01. 15:53
Hungarian State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltan Kovacs (Source: HirTV)
Vélemény hírlevélJobban mondva- heti vélemény hírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz füzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Speaking on Sunday's Bayer show, State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltan Kovacs shared his views on the US presidential election campaign, the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Anthony Blinken's absurd accusations, and the distribution of power that took place in Brussels, Hir TV reported on its website. According to Zoltan Kovacs, it was not a good idea to hold the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,

since even liberal media outlets say that the incumbent president's performance was disastrous, which is also reflected in the diplomacy of the United States.

"Trump has never had a better chance to win this election," he added. When asked whether Joe Biden could be replaced four months before the election, Zolatn Kovacs said it is possible that the stage was set for an internal showdown within the Democratic Party or for some kind of reshuffle.

The conversation touched on US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent statement accusing Hungary of anti-Semitism. It's the same old story again, and the statement is a whopping big lie, the state secretary responded.

I can understand that the Democratic Party is nervous and they are trying to use as much of the old playbook as possible, but gone are the days when it worked,

he said.

Speaking about the distribution of top posts in Brussels, Zoltan Kovacs said that what happened was that the elitist attitude came out, the attitude of we know better, we are supposed to tell how things should be (...) we knew deep down in our souls that a big right-wing breakthrough would be to no avail (...) they would try to isolate these parties.

Cover photo: Hungarian State Secretary for International Communication and Relations Zoltan Kovacs (Source: HirTV)

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