Chancellor Scholz Comes Up Short, Disintegration Continues

Hiding behind the slogan of democracy, the West ignores the will of people.

2024. 09. 13. 14:07
Hundreds of people protest against the government's immigration policy and demand the deportation of immigrants following a knife attack at the festival in Solingen, Germany, on August 26, 2024 (Photo: NurPhoto/AFP/ Ying Tang)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

The other day the button for my car's electric window regulator came off. I was lucky that the window was raised, because I had a long drive home. As I looked at the cracked part in my hand, I was quite amazed. On the outside, it looked like it was made of solid, nicely polished aluminium. However, on the inside, it appeared to be a lightweight, hair-thin plastic casting with metallic-looking paint on the visible part. I was sad to realize that I had been fooled. I bought this car with the naive belief that everything in it is what it seems. Well, it isn't. It's a relatively new car from a prestigious German manufacturer. However, the bits and pieces in the parts you can't see are made of shoddy material, and cost a lot of money to get them replaced. At first I was furious, then I realized that the broken plastic was just a minor symptom of a bigger problem.

It's what Germany has become today. On the outside, it still looks like nicely polished, durable quality, but on the inside it is a construction made from cheap materials that have become fragile by now. After the fall of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, reunified Germany appeared to be the biggest winner. Many of us believed that it would be the economic and political engine of a resurgent Europe, and thus the strongest guarantee of our development. However, ten years ago, something broke, like the button in my car. "We can do it," said Chancellor Angela Merkel conceitedly when the influx of migrants started seemingly out of nowhere. The real background to this still needs to be clearly revealed. 

Today, it is clear that the brave new world promoted by the media and the leftist-liberal political elite is a blatant lie. The phantasmagoria of a multicultural, diverse society has now been shattered. What we are left with is a crisis that seems irreparable.

By today, Germany has lost its economic, political and internal security stability. To the outside observer, it gives the impression of an unsteady, crumbling giant. Many experts have already spoken about the country's sad economic situation. I would highlight the security situation, as it is affecting everything these days.

By this summer, a part of German society reached the point where they had enough of the blatant lies fed to them by politics and the media.

In Thuringia and Saxony, the anti-immigration AfD has made significant gains, with almost a third of the voters casting their ballots for them in the two eastern states. Nationally, the figure is perhaps twenty percent. In other words, the mass communication steamroller is still efficient. Voters are still afraid to believe their own eyes. Yet something has broken in Germany this year. Men with Muslim backgrounds stab unsuspecting passers-by almost every day. Attacks by Islamic radicals armed with machetes and even firearms also happen.

Terrifying statistics show that one thousand women have been gang-raped on average in recent years, mostly by men with migrant backgrounds. A shocking number. 

I really don't understand how husbands and fathers can accept this. Especially since the authorities are largely powerless against the perpetrators under the current legal framework. Like the last time, when a young girl was raped by a juvenile migrant.

He has been at large ever since.

Germany's leftist-liberal government has perceived the growing internal tension within society. That's why they do what the German car manufacturer did with my button. They take tough action on the surface, and the sham measures are spectacular. They reduce the blade size of knives that can be legally carried in public. They ban knives altogether on public transport vehicles, just like in the central districts of large cities.  And the German Chancellor announced sternly that almost thirty (!) Afghan migrants would be deported from the country without delay. And they promise to be strict, to take tough action, to strengthen public security, to punish all criminals, to protect borders and to put an end to violence against women.

They are not afraid to make promises. In the meantime, the German citizenship law was adopted, which makes it easier and faster for migrants to obtain citizenship. And those who are willing to work - what a sacrifice from alleged refugees! - can become German citizens eligible to vote in just three years. And anyone who might be worried about the ban on knives can relax.  A Green Party member in the German coalition has already protested against the restrictions, arguing that this way anyone can be stopped, checked and even searched without a reason. So nothing will happen. It is no coincidence that the German police union also says that the new draft law is pointless because the police will not be able to enforce it.

And anyone who believes that illegal migrants without a legal title will be strictly deported from now on will be disappointed.

The European Commission and Germany's interior ministry have just allocated 9 million euros over two years to an online project to help migrants avoid deportation through a platform called the Handbook for Germany. 

Meanwhile, the leftist-liberal media in the US is now openly and constantly voicing worries that Nazism could return to Germany. This is because the AfD's anti-migration sentiment is worrying. The anti-Semitic demonstrations staged at universities and public squares on both sides of the ocean since the Hamas attack raise far fewer concerns.

So in the West, the political actors hide behind the slogan of democracy and ignore the will of the people. As long as only one in five people in Germany is aware of this, the disintegration will continue.

The author is a security policy expert

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