Latest Scandal Could Shed Light on Leftists' Decades-Long Corruption Practices

Apparently this is more than a mere series of random incidents but instead, an embedded practice going on for decades.

2024. 09. 06. 18:43
Laszlo Kiss (left), DK mayor of Obuda (Budapest's third district) and Gergely Karacsony (right), mayor of Budapest (Photo source: Origo)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Within the broader Budapest city administration bribery case, the Central Investigative Prosecutor's Office is also examining the alleged abuses in the left-wing mayor-led 18th district, as reported by Magyar Nemzet. In the latter case too, audio recordings released by Anonymous suggest that serious crimes may have been committed in the district also called Pestszentlorinc. In addition to the corruption scandal that surfaced in Obuda (Budapest's 3rd district), an investigation has now been launched in yet another district led by leftists, Origo writes in its article.

In the spring of 2022, Fidesz MP Gyula Budai filed a complaint with the National Bureau of Investigation (NNI) after Anonymous published an unedited audio recording which contained information that as a result of the real estate developments in district 18, significant fortunes would be transferred to DK mayor Sandor Szaniszlo, the local deputy mayor and the people who facilitated the speed and seamlessness of the process. Investigation of the case began two years ago on suspicion of fraud, influence peddling and abuse of office. If the ongoing proceedings - according to press reports - confirm the suspicions of the complainant, the prosecutor's office may propose very severe penalties once the case goes to trial. On the published recordings, it can be heard that the persons concerned were able to secure for themselves four apartments out of the eighty-six-apartment development being built at 323 Ulloi Street. Two of these were to go to the district mayor and deputy mayor, and the other two were destined for the left-wing connected individuals that could be heard talking on the recording released by the masked figure.

In general, fraud causing significant damages (from HUF 5 million and one to 50 million or about EUR 12.6 thousand-126 thousand) is punishable by up to five years' imprisonment, if damages caused are extremely significant (from HUF 50 million and 1 to 500 million or about EUR 126 thousand to almost 1.27 million) and from two to eight years' imprisonment, while influence peddling carries a 5-year-sentence.

If the suspicions are confirmed and local government leaders are also found guilty of accepting bribes, that in itself carries a sentence of up to eight years. Since multiple offences seem to have been committed by the same persons, the possibility for cumulative charges can arise. Where two or more of the offences in the latter category are punishable by a fixed term detention sentence, the maximum sentence permissible is increased by half of the maximum sentence, but may not exceed the combined maximum of the sentences for each offence.

In the event that an indictment is brought in a criminal case and a conviction based on a full confession is not obtained at the preliminary hearing, the case will proceed to trial, the length of which may depend on a number of circumstances. Moreover, corruption offenses have the specific differentiating  quality of not being conducive to detection and investigation.

The corruption found in left-wing local governments does not appear to be a series of random incidents, but rather a practice that has been going on for decades.

Investigations into the bridge money scandal linked to Budapest Mayor Gergely Karacsony have also raised suspicions of embezzlement, bribery and misappropriation, suggesting that, in addition to overpricing the costs, the money may have been deliberately misappropriated. The 2021 city hall building scandal was also linked to the left-wing capital city mayor and concerned secret plans to sell off municipal properties.

Based on the information currently at our disposal, left-wing municipal corruption has been and is still operating through hidden and complex schemes, so uncovering corrupt activities will likely take a long time, as investigating crimes and gathering evidence is time-consuming, as we have seen in light of the known cases.

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