Hungary Parliament Speaker on Official Visit to Turkiye

Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kover opened an exhibition to mark the 100th anniversary of Hungary-Turkey diplomatic relations.

Forrás: MTI2024. 10. 16. 11:27
Hungarian National Assembly Speaker Laszlo Kover opens "Parliament on the Danube Banks" exhibit in Istanbul (Photo: MTI/Hungarian National Assembly Press Office)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

Laszlo Kover, speaker of Hungary's National Assembly, arrived for an official visit in Turkiye on Tuesday, to open the "Parliament on the Danube Bank" exhibit at the Tarik Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center in Istanbul, MTI reported.

The historical exhibition is presented within the framework of the Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year by the Public Collections and Culture Directorate of the Office of the Parliament, the Embassy of Hungary and the Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cultural Center Istanbul.

The Hungarian-Turkish relations go back a long time, but "unfortunately despite the kinship, the period when our countries were at war with each other lasted too long", the Parliament speaker noted, adding that the Hungarian people will never forget that many of our heroes had alao found refuge on Turkish soil.

Laszlo Kover spoke of how from the 18th century onwards Hungarians helped the Turks in the development of science and culture. He also recalled that at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, many Turks studied science and crafts in Hungary and "in the First World War, we fought together as brothers in arms from Gallipoli to Galicia." Even in the difficult period following the peace dictate of Trianon, young Hungarians were happy to come to the young Republic of Turkey because good professionals were badly needed.

Isztambul, 2024. október 15. Az Országház a Duna-parton című kiállítás részlete az isztambuli Tarik Zafer Tunaya Kulturális Központban a megnyitó napján, 2024. október 15-én. A tárlatot Kövér László nyitotta meg. MTI//Országgyűlés Sajtóirodája
Photo: MTI//Hungarian National Assembly Press Office

It is a pleasure for me to open the presentation of the Hungarian Parliament building here in Istanbul starting today, and in a few days' time in Ankara, running simultaneously with this exhibit,

said the House speaker, who considers this exhibition an important milestone in the 2024 Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year.

In the spirit of the strengthening of Turkish-Hungarian cultural relations, the exhibition enables visitors to learn about the history of the construction of the House of Parliament, its fine and applied arts, its representative spaces and its historical specificity, highlighting Turkish-Hungarian political relations in the 20th and 21st centuries. In addition to the rich display of ceramics, glass, and furniture, tableaux of  paintings and sculptures of the Building can also be seen, as well as the Zsolnay ceramic work and other decorative elements.

The aim of the exhibition is to point out the representative and cultural values of the building and to stimulate touristic interest in visiting the House of Parliament.

The Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year, organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and Turkiye, provides an opportunity to strengthen cultural cooperation between the two countries.

Isztambul, 2024. október 15. Az Országház a Duna-parton című kiállítás részlete az isztambuli Tarik Zafer Tunaya Kulturális Központban a megnyitó napján, 2024. október 15-én. A tárlatot Kövér László nyitotta meg. MTI//Országgyűlés Sajtóirodája
Photo: MTI//Hungarian National Assembly Press Office

Laszlo Kover also took part in several events: he attended the premiere of Csaba Kael's play "Pure Source - In Bartok's Footsteps in Anatolia" at the Ataturk Cultural Center, as well as the award ceremony of Erdal Salikoglu, Turkish singer, translator, Hungarian researcher and founding president of the Istanbul Hungarian Cultural and Friendship Society.

In recognition of his exemplary commitment to Hungarian culture, his exceptional work in fostering and developing Hungarian-Turkish friendly, cultural and sister-city relations and his encouragement of young people, Erdal Salikoglu received the Order of Merit of Hungary from Ambassador Viktor Matis.

The House speaker continues his official visit to Turkey in Ankara, where he will meet his host, Numan Kurtulmus, president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and will also be received by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Cover photo: Hungarian National Assembly Speaker Laszlo Kover opens "Parliament on the Danube Banks" exhibit in Istanbul (Photo: MTI/Hungarian National Assembly Press Office)

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