Mr. Costa wishes to pay a personal visit to all the member states this year, and among his first stops is Budapest. Discussions on Tuesday included the Hungarian EU presidency's program and the objectives of the new European Council president, PM Orban's press chief said.
PM Orban in Talks with European Council's Incoming President
Prime Minister Viktor Orban welcomed Antonio Costa, the incoming president of the European Council, in his office on Tuesday, his press chief told MTI - Hungary's state news agency - in a statement.
Cover photo: PM Viktor Orban held talks with the European Council's elected president (Photo: PM's Press Office/MTI/Zoltan Fischer)
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PM Orban: Brussels is Under Occupation!
"They're attacking us because we are sovereignists, even patriots."
PM Orban to Hold Talks with Robert Fico in Slovakia
The main topic of the meeting will be Hungary's and Slovakia's energy security following the halt of Ukrainian gas transit.
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Tovább az összes cikkhezHungary FM: Donald Trump's First Executive Orders Make Clear Pro-War, Pro-Migration Madness Is Over
Trump thinks similarly to Hungarians on many issues.
MEPs of Tisza Party Undergo "Preschool Adjustment Period"
Peter Magyar's Tisza Party posted a photo on its social media page showing Manfred Weber giving instructions to the party's MEPs.
PM Orban: Brussels is Under Occupation!
"They're attacking us because we are sovereignists, even patriots."
PM Orban to Hold Talks with Robert Fico in Slovakia
The main topic of the meeting will be Hungary's and Slovakia's energy security following the halt of Ukrainian gas transit.