Transparency International Hungary on Soros Leash for Decades

Transparency International (TI) in Hungary is largely funded by George Soros's institutions and the European Commission, and the organization's corruption findings discrediting Hungary are then used in Brussels's reports condemning Hungary. This is the way it operates, according to the information contained in the Sovereignty Protection Office's upcoming report on the self-professed "independent" foundation. But the soon-to-be released report also reveals that TI was linked to SZDSZ circles in Hungary from the outset, and that at times the foundation literally collapsed when Soros did not send the dollars.

2024. 10. 13. 15:24
George Soros (Photo: AFP)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

As Magyar Nemzet reported yesterday, the Sovereignty Protection Office is expected to finalize their report on investigations carried out in recent months regarding the Hungary-based foundation of  the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International.

The foundation is described as a manipulative and disinformation-spreading organization that uses pseudo-scientific methods to measure corruption, serves global interests and is in four-fifths part funded by foreign donors, as some of the details Magyar Nemzet has obtained state.

George Soros's institutions cover about half of the costs of TI Hungary, but the foundation has also received money from political opponents of the country, such as the European Commission and the German Marshall Fund - a background power organization which is a Trojan horse for US foreign policy interests in Europe (the latter organization, incidentally, also surfaced in Hungary's 2022 parliamentary elections as a collaborator of the US front organization Action for Democracy, which supported the unified opposition led by Peter Marki-Zay).


Soros giveth and Soros taketh away

In its three-decade history, TI in Hungary has been linked from the very beginning to the circles pushing privatization, politically to the Hungarian Social Democrats (SZDSZ) and to the Soros network. From the 1990s until the time of the Gyurcsany government, it operated as an association.

The report of the Sovereignty Protection Office also highlights the following, according to our information:

* The TI association in Hungary had not even been established when for years the Hungarian contact person of the international TI organization had been Peter Hack, then MP of SZDSZ [the Social Democratic Party of Hungary]. (Hack later saw the situation of TI realistically: he who pays the piper calls the tune...)

* TI's perspectives appeared in the 1994 election campaign of SZDSZ .

* One of the association's presidents was Adam Tertak, who a few years later became dean of the business school at Soros's private university (CEU), and whose biography also states he is the founder of the American Chamber of Commerce's charitable foundation.

* During Hungary's Gyurcsany government (when the then prime minister's image in the US was still favorable), TI's Hungarian association was dissolved without a legal successor, because its main sponsor Soros withdrew his support (Did corruption suddenly disappear in Hungary...?). In any case, they even returned their computers to him.

* However, a few years later (when the US view of Ferenc Gyurcsany became tarnished), the Hungarian chapter of TI was re-established (Due to a sudden revival of corruption...?), in the form of a foundation. Its current annual budget is about 100 million forints (about 250 thousand euros).


Paid for and then used

The report of the Sovereignty Protection Office also reveals the very simple operating principle by which Transparency International in Hungary, which presents itself as "independent" and "transparent", is run by the main international adversaries of the country.

In return, as we wrote yesterday, TI Hungary provides them with reports using what the Sovereignty Protection Office deems to be a scientifically questionable corruption perception index. Information in these reports are then included in the Brussels country reports condemning Hungary, which can then be used by EU institutions to launch proceedings against Hungary.

One case in point is the Sargentini report in the European Parliament. Through their operations, TI is indirectly causing political and economic damage to our country.

According to the information Magyar Nemzet accessed about TI Hungary in the report on the investigation by the Sovereignty Protection Office, it is clear that:

* neither its funding nor its activities can be described as independent, and it is explicitly serving global interest groups.

* it cannot be described as transparent either, since the Foundation has refused to cooperate with the Sovereignty Protection Office and has not allowed access to its contracts with foreign entities.

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