Winner Receives Hungary's Biggest Ever Lottery Payout

These were the winning numbers for the jackpot of over HUF 6.6 billion (over EUR 16.5 million).

2024. 10. 20. 12:11
Lottery draw in Hungary (Photo: MTI/Marton Monus)
VéleményhírlevélJobban mondva - heti véleményhírlevél - ahol a hét kiemelt témáihoz fűzött személyes gondolatok összeérnek, részletek itt.

This week's lottery-five numbers were drawn for over HUF 6.6 billion (over EUR 16.5 million), the biggest jackpot ever in Hungary. As Magyar Nemzet reported earlier, a veritable lottery fever broke out in the country, with many people frantically playing their lucky numbers, and finally seeing the results.

This week's winning numbers 3, 10, 12, 13, 33 were drawn (machine draw), and one lucky player marked precisely those five numbers, winning over HUF 6.6 billion, or HUF 6 613 905 020 to be exact.

A lot of people bought lottery tickets during the record-breaking week, with many coming within an arm's reach of billions.

147 people guessed four out of the five numbers correctly, winning HUF 545 925 (nearly EUR 14 hundred),

10 767 guessed three numbers correctly which landed them HUF 7845 (almost EUR 20), 

189 166 people marked two of the lucky numbers for prizes of HUF 1720 (almost EUR 4.50).

 Sunday is the day of the lottery-6 drawing, where the jackpot  also tops HUF one billion (about EUR 2.5 million)



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